simple binary-to-c(cpp)header converter.
- merge multiple binary files into one header source code
- set variable names of each binary file automatically by UPPER_SNAKE_CASE
- can align an output byte array with the user-specified byte size
- can visualize an output byte array as ASCII codes
- can check input file's MD5 checksum and compare it with the checksum stored in the output file that already exists before generating a new output header file
- all dependencies are in the repository or managed by
- spdlog for logging
- clipp for parsing command arguments
- catch2 for unit testing
- picohash for computing a MD5 checksum
bin2h use the cmake build setting. Please make sure that cmake is installed in your machine.
- use with a single configuration project generator (i.e. unix makefiles)
> cmake -H. -Bcmake-build-release -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./install
> cmake --build cmake-build-release --target install
- use with a multiple configuration project generator (i.e. xcode, VC++)
> cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./install
> cmake --build build --config Release --target install
> bin2h <inputFilename>... -o <outputFilename> [-v] [-c] [-a align-byte-size]
[-l byte-count-per-line] [-e] [-f]
: verbose mode-c
: visualize binary data as a comment-a
: resulting byte array would be byte-aligned with specific size (default: 1)-l
: byte count per line (default: 8)-e
: include input file's extension for naming array variables-f
: force to generate output, although input does not change