This is an educational website. This website is created for Darpon Polytechnic Institute. In this project, I've implemented a user authentication with Bcryor-JS for security, admin panel, updatable notice section, all teacher, institute gallery section, contact section with formspree, responsive & visually stunning layout, etc.
- React-JS
- Bootstrap
- Node-JS
- Express-JS
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Bcrypt-JS
- Render (API hosting)
- Formspree
- AOS Animation
- Vanilla-tilt
- React-icons
- React-toastify
- User Authentication with bcrypt js for security
- REST API create & complete read, write, update, delete operation
- Editable notice for student
- Particular user details through id
- Smooth Spinner for good user experience
- Responsive design
- visually stunning user interface
- SEO-friendly & well-commented code
- Contact form with formspree
- Attractive alert using react toastify
- Clone the Project
- Simply run the command (npm install) for node_modulees folder (Frontend file)
- run the project using npm run dev