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Ilya edited this page Jan 9, 2016 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Alphabet-client wiki!

This was an old project to try ourselves as a team in developing simple but useful project. Our primary skills included: C++ & Windows. Little did we know... :)

One can name different approaches of creating cross-platform code: such as Xamarin or even pure C++ {using JNI for Android (o NDK development)} and {Objective C++ for iOs}. But our goal was just to try ourselves.

After several tries we came to a decision that it is not that easy to create a really helpful application. Due to our full time job we just had no time to finish it.

Участники проекта:

  • Илья (rihter007): Client side developer: Android/Windows + Java/.Net Developer
  • Василий (): Server side developer: Django + python
  • Андрей (villy89): Project manager

Инструменты разработки:

  • Visual Studio 2013 (.Net 4.0 C#)
  • Android Studio (Android Java)
  • Django, Python