This library provides a range of utility classes.
Install the latest version using composer require riesenia/utility
Or add to your composer.json file as a requirement:
"require": {
"riesenia/utility": "~3.0"
Note: if you use PHP 5.4 - 5.6 use 1.* version of this library.
Helpers simplifying usage of Kendo UI components.
use Riesenia\Utility\Kendo\Table;
$table = Table::create('myTableId');
// datasource can be accessed directly
$table->dataSource->addTransport('read', ['dataType' => 'json', 'url' => 'URL']);
// ... but addTransport can also be called directly on the table object
$table->addTransport('update', ['dataType' => 'json', 'url' => 'URL']);
// columns can have various types and additional options can be set
$table->addColumn('name', 'Product name')
->addColumn('price', 'Product price', 'price', ['class' => 'green'])
->addColumn('active', 'Is active?', 'checkbox')
->addColumn('stock', 'Stock', 'number');
// checkboxes for batch operations can be added
// class for table row can be added using 'addRowClass' method
$table->addRowClass('#: active ? "active" : "not-active" #');
// additional model options can be set using 'model' key
$table->addColumn('name', 'Product name', null, ['model' => ['editable' => false]]);
// you can use any custom column rendering class
// as long as it extends Riesenia\Utility\Kendo\Table\Column\Base
$table->addColumn('custom_field', 'Title', '\\Custom\\Rendering\\Class');
// link is built-in option
$table->addColumn('...', '...', '...', ['link' => 'URL']);
// any link attributes can be set
$table->addColumn('...', '...', '...', ['link' => ['href' => 'URL', 'title' => 'TITLE']]);
// the whole template can be overridden
$table->addColumn('...', '...', '...', ['template' => '# if (field) { # yes # } else { # no # } #']);
// it is possible to hide columns under certain table width
$table->addColumn('...', '...', '...', ['display' => 700]);
// actions are usually icons with links
// icons are bootstrap classes without glyphicon prefix
$table->addAction(null, [
'icon' => 'music',
'link' => 'URL',
'title' => 'Play!'
// or predifined edit or delete operation
// you can use any custom column action class
// as long as it extends Riesenia\Utility\Kendo\Table\Action\Base
// generally used classes can be aliased, so previous example is equivalent to
Table::alias('alias_name', '\\Custom\\Action\\Class');
// condition is built-in option
$table->addAction('...', ['condition' => 'count > 0']);
// set text for no results (will be added as first colspaned row)
$table->setNoResults('NO RESULTS!');
// html element (div)
echo $table;
// generated javascript
echo '<script>' . $table->script() . '</script>';
use Riesenia\Utility\Kendo\Tree;
$tree = Tree::create('myTreeId');
// datasource can be accessed directly
$tree->dataSource->addTransport('read', ['dataType' => 'json', 'url' => 'URL']);
// ... but addTransport can also be called directly on the tree object
$tree->addTransport('delete', ['dataType' => 'json', 'url' => 'URL']);
// add hasChildren field (to allow tree expanding), default field name is 'hasChildren'
// but any field name can be passed (do not use 'children' as field name)
// html element (div)
echo $tree;
// generated javascript
echo '<script>' . $tree->script() . '</script>';
use Riesenia\Utility\Kendo\Window;
$window = Window::create('myWindowId');
// html element (div)
echo $window;
// generated javascript
echo '<script>' . $window->script() . '</script>';
// method for opening window is automatically defined
echo '<script>myWindowIdOpen("WINDOW TITLE", "URL OF THE CONTENT TO LOAD");</script>';
use Riesenia\Utility\Kendo\Tabber;
$tabber = Tabber::create('myTabberId');
// adding remote tab
$tabber->addRemoteTab('First tab', 'URL');
// active tab is set using third parameter
$tabber->addRemoteTab('Second tab', 'URL', true);
// html element (div & ul)
echo $tabber;
// generated javascript
echo '<script>' . $tabber->script() . '</script>';
use Riesenia\Utility\Kendo\Upload;
$upload = Upload::create('myUploadId');
// optionally set any attribute of the input
$upload->addAttribute('name', 'NAME');
// html element (input type file)
echo $upload;
// generated javascript
echo '<script>' . $upload->script() . '</script>';
use Riesenia\Utility\Kendo\Select;
$select = Select::create('mySelectId');
// datasource can be accessed directly
$select->dataSource->addTransport('read', ['dataType' => 'json', 'url' => 'URL']);
// ... but addTransport can also be called directly on the select object
$select->addTransport('read', ['dataType' => 'json', 'url' => 'URL']);
// optionally set any attribute of the input
$select->addAttribute('name', 'NAME');
// html element (input)
echo $select;
// generated javascript
echo '<script>' . $select->script() . '</script>';
use Riesenia\Utility\Kendo\ListView;
$listView = ListView::create('myListViewId');
// datasource can be accessed directly
$listView->dataSource->addTransport('read', ['dataType' => 'json', 'url' => 'URL']);
// ... but addTransport can also be called directly on the listView object
$listView->addTransport('destroy', ['dataType' => 'json', 'url' => 'URL']);
// template can be set by id attribute
// html element (div)
echo $listView;
// generated javascript
echo '<script>' . $listView->script() . '</script>';
use Riesenia\Utility\Kendo\DateTime;
$dateTime = DateTime::create('myDateTimeId');
// range can be set between two elements (two fields with ids 'from' and 'to')
// optionally set any attribute of the input
$dateTime->addAttribute('name', 'NAME');
// html element (input)
// hidden input with same name is added automatically to provide MySQL datetime format
echo $dateTime;
// generated javascript
echo '<script>' . $dateTime->script() . '</script>';
Various traits providing useful methods.
Adds a protected _parseDecimal() method that transforms input to float replacing spaces, commas, etc.
Condition (query) parsers.
Returns array that can be passed to CakePHP Query builder as a condition.
use Riesenia\Utility\Condition\QueryEvaluator;
// available fields and operators are defined during consstruction
$evaluator = new QueryEvaluator([
'pid' => [
'field' => 'id',
'operators' => ['=', 'NOT', 'IN', 'NOTIN']
'name' => [
'field' => 'name',
'operators' => ['=', 'NOT', 'CONTAINS']
'price' => [
'field' => 'unit_price',
'operators' => ['>=', '>', '<', '<=']
// simple conditions
$evaluator->parse('price >= 10'); // ['unit_price >=' => '10']
// use AND / OR operators
$evaluator->parse('pid IN 2, 3 AND price >= 10'); // ['AND' => [['id IN' => ['2', '3']], ['unit_price >=' => '10']]]
// use parenthesis for complex conditions
$evaluator->parse('pid IN 2, 3 AND ((price >= 10 OR name = x) OR name CONTAINS y)'); // ... see tests
// throws custom exception for incorrect query
use Riesenia\Utility\Condition\QueryEvaluatorException;
try {
$evaluator->parse('(pid = 56');
} catch(QueryEvaluatorException $e) {
if ($e->getCode() == QueryEvaluatorException::MISSING_CLOSING_PARENTHESIS) { // true
echo $e->getAttributes()['position']; // 0
Returns function that evaluates all attributes of passed array / ArrayAccess returning boolean result.
use Riesenia\Utility\Condition\QueryEvaluatorCallable;
// using configuration from previous example
$evaluator = new QueryEvaluatorCallable([...]);
$condition = $evaluator->parse('pid IN 2, 3 AND price >= 10');
$condition(['id' => 2, 'unit_price' => 7]); // true
$condition(['id' => 4, 'unit_price' => 7]); // false
$condition(['unit_price' => 4]); // false
Returns function that evaluates aggregates condition for riesenia/cart package.
Allows passing prefixed condition.
use Riesenia\Utility\Condition\QueryEvaluatorTwofold;
// using configuration from previous example
$evaluator = new QueryEvaluatorTwofold([
'P1' => [
'pid' => [
'field' => 'id',
'operators' => ['=', 'NOT', 'IN', 'NOTIN']
'name' => [
'field' => 'name',
'operators' => ['=', 'NOT', 'CONTAINS']
'price' => [
'field' => 'unit_price',
'operators' => ['>=', '>', '<', '<=']
'P2' => [
'pid' => [
'field' => 'id',
'operators' => ['=', 'NOT', 'IN', 'NOTIN']
'name' => [
'field' => 'name',
'operators' => ['=', 'NOT', 'CONTAINS']
'price' => [
'field' => 'unit_price',
'operators' => ['>=', '>', '<', '<=']
// example
$evaluator->parse(' IN 2, 3 AND P1.price >= P2.price'); // ['AND' => [[' IN' => ['2', '3']], ['P1.unit_price >= P2.unit_price']]]