A Laminas module to pull configuration together for portals, such as a public portal, an admin portal, etc.
To add information about a portal, add it to a module configuration file under portals.{portal_name}
return [
'portals' => [
'main' => [
'layout' => 'main.layout',
'css' => [
__DIR__ . '/../css/styles.css',
'js' => [
__DIR__ . '/../js/scripts.js',
Portals also supports lazy configuration loading through PortalConfigProviders:
return [
'portal_manager' => [
'provider_names' => [
'factories' => [
'My\\Portal\\Config\\Provider' => 'My\\Portal\\Config\\ProviderFactory',
Features allow you to group portal configuration together, and assign it to a portal separately. This might be usefuuul if some modular functionality requires multiple css/js files, but the module doesn't know which portals it will be used in:
return [
'portals' => [
'main' => [
'features' => [
'portal_features' => [
'some-functionality' => [
'css' => [
__DIR__ . '/../css/styles.css',
'js' => [
__DIR__ . '/../js/scripts.js',
Here the module can define the js and css required for portal_features/some-functionality, and the project can declare that portals/main uses it.
/** @var \Laminas\ServiceManager\ServiceManager $serviceManager */
$portalManager = $serviceManager->get(\Riddlestone\Brokkr\Portals\PortalManager::class);
/** @var \Riddlestone\Brokkr\Portals\PortalManager $portalManager */
# get a list of portals
$portals = $portalManager->getPortalNames();
# set the current portal
# get the current portal name
$portalName = $portalManager->getCurrentPortalName();
# check a portal has config
$hasConfig = $portalManager->hasPortalConfig('main', 'css');
# check the current portal has config
$hasConfig = $portalManager->hasCurrentPortalConfig('css');
# get the config for a portal
$portalConfig = $portalManager->getPortalConfig('main', 'css');
# get the config for the current portal
$portalConfig = $portalManager->getCurrentPortalConfig('css');