This repository contains the manual instructions and automation scripts (Windows' PowerShell and Linux bash) for generating a VM in VBox from Ubuntu Cloud Image. Windows and Ubuntu VirtualBox Host OS are supported.
The goal is to automate the deployment of a headless Ubuntu server in VBox using a cloud-image ready to be configured in boot time using cloud-init.
Canonical generates cloud-specific images which are available on Images for VMware/VBox in vmdk disk formats can be found there. Those images can be configured through cloud-init at boot time, using NoCloud data source.
Cloud-init metadata and user-data can be provided to a local VM boot via files in vfat or iso9660 filesystems. The filesystem volume label must be cidata
and it must contain at least two files
Network configuration can be provided to cloud-init formated in yaml file network-config
Required Software:
Create in windows a SCRIPT
folder and place there script create_vbox_vm_ubuntu_cloud.ps1
Within SCRIPT directory create a templates
directory and copy template files from the repository:
This folder contains the user-data and network-config templates used by the script.
From PowerShell console execute the script create_vbox_vm_ubuntu_cloud.ps1
Script execution
create_vbox_vm_ubuntu_cloud.ps1 -name <server_name>
-path <path>
-ip <server_ip>
-cores <cpu_cores>
-memory <server_memory_MB>
-disk_size <server_disk_size_MB>
-ubuntuversion <ubuntu_release>
-vbox_bridged_adapter <bridged_if>
-vbox_host_only_adapter <hostonly_if>
-force_download <true/false>
- name: (M) server name. VM server name and hostname. (M)
- ip: (M) must belong to VBox HostOnly network
- path: (O) Base path used for creating the VM directory (default value: '.' current directory). A directory with name - name is created in path directory. If a server already exists within that directory, VM is not created.
- memory: (O) VM memory in MB (default value 1024, 1GB)
- cores: (O) VM cpu cores (default value 1)
- disk_size (O) VM disk size in MB (default value 8192, 8GB)
- ubuntu_version (O) Ubuntu relase 18.04, 20.04 (default value 20.04)
- vbox_bridged_adapter (O) and vbox_host_only_adapter (O): VBOX interfaces names
- force_download (O): Force download of img even when there is an existing image
VM is created with two interfaces:
- NIC1 hostonly with static ip (server_ip)
- NIC2 bridgeadapter with dynamic ip, dhcp
NOTE: VBOX interfaces adapter names might need to be adapted to your own environment Commands for obtained VBOX configured interfaces vboxmanage list hostonlyifs vboxmanage list bridgedifs
The script will download img from ubuntu website if it is not available in img
directory or force_download true parameter has been selected
The script will be use user-data and network-config templates located in templates
directory named with server_name suffix:
- user-data-server_name.yml
- network-config-server_name.yml
If any of the files is missing the default
files will be used.
Example execution:
create_vbox_vm_ubuntu_cloud.ps1 -name "server_name" -ip ""
Required Software:
- qemu-utils
- cloud-image-utils
sudo apt-get install qemu-utils cloud-image-utils
Create a SCRIPT
folder and place there script
Within SCRIPT directory create a templates
directory and copy template files from the repository:
This folder contains the user-data and network-config templates used by the script.
From the directory where the VM is going to be located exectute the script
Script execution
create_vbox_vm_ubuntu_cloud.ps1 -n <server_name>
-ip <server_ip>
-c <cpu_cores>
-m <server_memory_MB>
-d <server_disk_size_MB>
-r <ubuntu_release>
-f <force download>
The script will download img from ubuntu website if it is not available in img
directory or force_download option (-f) is being used.
The script will be use user-data and network-config templates located in templates
directory named with server_name suffix:
- user-data-server_name.yml
- network-config-server_name.yml
If any of the files is missing the default
files will be used.
Download the specific image format from
In our case, Ubuntu-20.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.vmdk
Convert to raw format the img downloaded in step 2. Use qemu-img
to conver it with the following command:
qemu-img convert -O raw ubuntu-20.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.img ubuntu-20.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.raw
NOTE: In windows qemu-img utility can be installed from here
Convert the raw image to vdi format with VirtualBox tool vboxmanage
vboxmanage convertfromraw ubuntu-20.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.raw ubuntu-20.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.vdi
In windows the command should be something like this:
"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" convertfromraw ubuntu-20.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.raw ubuntu-20.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.vdi
Same vdi disk cannot be used for more than one VM (VDI's UUID must be unique within VBox instalation). Clone Vdi disk procedure generated in step 3 every time a new VM need to be created
vboxmanage clonehd ubuntu-20.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.vdi server1-ubuntu20.04.vdi
In windows the command should be something like this:
"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" clonehd ubuntu-20.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.vdi server1-ubuntu20.04.vdi
Authentication using SSH keys will be the only mechanism available to login to the server. We will create SSH keys for two different users:
ricsanfre user, used to connect from my home laptop
For generating SSH private/public key in Windows, Putty Key Generator can be used:
Public-key string will be used in Step 6 to configure ssh_authorized_keys of the default user (ubuntu)
ansible user, used to automate configuration activities with ansible
For generating ansible SSH keys in Ubuntu server execute command:
In directory
public and private key files can be found for the userid_rsa
contains the private key
contains the public key.Content of the file has to be copied in Step 6 to configure ssh_authorized_keys of the ansible user
cat ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDsVSvxBitgaOiqeX4foCfhIe4yZj+OOaWP+wFuoUOBCZMWQ3cW188nSyXhXKfwYK50oo44O6UVEb2GZiU9bLOoy1fjfiGMOnmp3AUVG+e6Vh5aXOeLCEKKxV3I8LjMXr4ack6vtOqOVFBGFSN0ThaRTZwKpoxQ+pEzh+Q4cMJTXBHXYH0eP7WEuQlPIM/hmhGa4kIw/A92Rm0ZlF2H6L2QzxdLV/2LmnLAkt9C+6tH62hepcMCIQFPvHVUqj93hpmNm9MQI4hM7uK5qyH8wGi3nmPuX311km3hkd5O6XT5KNZq9Nk1HTC2GHqYzwha/cAka5pRUfZmWkJrEuV3sNAl ansible@pimaster
For creating the iso file in a windows hots, an open-source tool like CDBurnerXP.
For Ubuntu host a utility cloud-localds
can be used (this utility is part of the package cloud-image-utils
Create in a temporary directory
Create a file
instance-id: ubuntucloud-001 local-hostname: ubuntucloud1
Create a file
#cloud-config # Set TimeZone and Locale timezone: Europe/Madrid locale: es_ES.UTF-8 # Hostname hostname: servername # Ensure an entry in /etc/host is created manage_etc_hosts: localhost # Users. Remove default (ubuntu) + ansible user for remoto control users: - name: ricsanfre gecos: Ricardo Sanchez primary_group: users shell: /bin/bash sudo: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL lock_passwd: true ssh_authorized_keys: - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAusTXKfFoy6p3G4QAHvqoBK+9Vn2+cx2G5AY89WmjMikmeTG9KUseOCIAx22BCrFTNryMZ0oLx4u3M+Ibm1nX76R3Gs4b+gBsgf0TFENzztST++n9/bHYWeMVXddeV9RFbvPnQZv/TfLfPUejIMjFt26JCfhZdw3Ukpx9FKYhFDxr2jG9hXzCY9Ja2IkVwHuBcO4gvWV5xtI1nS/LvMw44Okmlpqos/ETjkd12PLCxZU6GQDslUgGZGuWsvOKbf51sR+cvBppEAG3ujIDySZkVhXqH1SSaGQbxF0pO6N5d4PWus0xsafy5z1AJdTeXZdBXPVvUSNVOUw8lbL+RTWI2Q== ubuntu@mi_pc - name: ansible gecos: Ansible user primary_group: users shell: /bin/bash sudo: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL lock_passwd: true ssh_authorized_keys: - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDsVSvxBitgaOiqeX4foCfhIe4yZj+OOaWP+wFuoUOBCZMWQ3cW188nSyXhXKfwYK50oo44O6UVEb2GZiU9bLOoy1fjfiGMOnmp3AUVG+e6Vh5aXOeLCEKKxV3I8LjMXr4ack6vtOqOVFBGFSN0ThaRTZwKpoxQ+pEzh+Q4cMJTXBHXYH0eP7WEuQlPIM/hmhGa4kIw/A92Rm0ZlF2H6L2QzxdLV/2LmnLAkt9C+6tH62hepcMCIQFPvHVUqj93hpmNm9MQI4hM7uK5qyH8wGi3nmPuX311km3hkd5O6XT5KNZq9Nk1HTC2GHqYzwha/cAka5pRUfZmWkJrEuV3sNAl ansible@pimaster
fileversion: 2 ethernets: enp0s3: dhcp4: no addresses: [] enp0s8: dhcp4: yes
Create ISO file with CDBurnerXP (Windows Host)
Select the folder where the files has been generated and specify
as Volume NameIn windows the command should be something like this:
"C:\Program Files\CDBurnerXP\cdbxpcmd.exe" --burndata -folder:seed_iso -iso:seed.iso -format:iso -changefiledates -name:CIDATA
Create ISO file with clouds-local (Ubuntu Host)
cloud-localds --network-config network-config seed.iso user-data meta-data
Create new VM without creating any virtual disk
Copy vdi disk created in step 4 and seed.iso file created in step 6 to new VM's folder
Configure new VM, add vmdiks and iso
Add vmdk containing ubuntu image as new disk under SATA controller.
Load seed.iso file in the Optical Disk (IDE Controller)
Configure Serial Port Serial Port Port1 need to be enabled.
Configure network interfaces
Two interfaces enabled:
Host-only interface
NAT interface to provide internet access to the VM
The converterd vdi size is arround 2GB. It can be enlarged using VBOX GUI (form 6.0 release)