Rico Fake News - React App | Live Host 👀
Rico Fake News is a React App that was built as final frontend project during the Remote Coding Bootcamp at Northcoders
- Framework: React.js
- UI Library: Material-UI
- Back-end: Live / GitHub
- Server: express.js
- Database: PostgreSQL / Knex.js
- Testing Framework: Jest
Clone the repository from github to your project folder
Install all the needed node packages
Run the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
- view a list of all articles
- view a page for each topic with a list of related articles.
- view an individual article.
- view an individual article's comments.
- sort articles by:
- date created
- comment_count
- votes
- post a new comment to an existing article (as a default logged in user. e.g. 'jessjelly').
- delete my own comments (as a default logged in user 'weegembump').
- vote on an article and immediately see the change.
- vote on a comment and immediately see the change.
- see a 404 error if I go on a non-existent path/a path for a non-existent article/topic.
- see a 400 error if I go on a invalid article ID.
- not be allowed to post a comment if I have not filled in all of the form boxes.
- use the site on my mobile without sacrificing style or functionality (as I may not have my laptop nearby).
- follow the readme instructions to easily run the project locally.
- find a link to the hosted version of the project in the readme. (use a placeholder if not yet hosted!)
- find a link to the back-end repository of the project in the readme.
- find a link to the hosted version of the back-end project in the readme.