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I think analyze_blocks is buttoned up
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jgostick committed Sep 25, 2023
1 parent 25e50d9 commit 461285a
Showing 1 changed file with 80 additions and 34 deletions.
114 changes: 80 additions & 34 deletions porespy/beta/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import logging
import numpy as np
import openpnm as op
import pandas as pd
import logging
import dask
from dask.distributed import Client, LocalCluster
from edt import edt
Expand All @@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
from porespy import settings

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,7 +47,7 @@ def get_block_sizes(shape, block_size_range=[10, 100]):
return block_sizes

def rev_tortuosity(im, block_sizes=None):
def rev_tortuosity(im, block_sizes=None, **kwargs):
Computes data for a representative element volume plot based on tortuosity
Expand All @@ -71,12 +74,13 @@ def rev_tortuosity(im, block_sizes=None):
DataFrames can be concatentated using `pandas.concat((df1, df2))`, so the
results can be combined easily if calling this function multiple times.
block_sizes = np.array(block_sizes, dtype=int, ndmin=1)
block_sizes = np.array(block_sizes, dtype=int)
tau = []
disable = settings.tqdm['disable']
for s in tqdm(block_sizes, **settings.tqdm):
msg = "Scanning block sizes"
for s in tqdm(block_sizes, desc=msg, **settings.tqdm):
settings.tqdm['disable'] = True
tau.append(analyze_blocks(im, block_size=s))
tau.append(analyze_blocks(im, block_size=s, **kwargs))
settings.tqdm['disable'] = disable
df = pd.concat(tau)
df = df[df.tau < np.inf] # inf values mean block did not percolate
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,7 +206,7 @@ def block_size_to_divs(shape, block_size):
def analyze_blocks(im, block_size, dask_args={}, solver_args={}):
Computes the diffusive conductance tensor for each block and returns values in a
Expand All @@ -213,48 +217,90 @@ def analyze_blocks(im, block_size, dask_args={}, solver_args={}):
must be given, or an exception is raised. If the image is not evenly
divisible by the given `block_size` any extra voxels are removed from the
end of each axis before all processing occcurs.
dask_args : dict
A dictionary of arguments to control the behavior of `dask`. Options are:
=========== =================================================================
key values
=========== =================================================================
'enable' Can be `True` (default) or `False`. If `True` then `dask` is
used (obviously), but can be set to `False` for timing tests,
unit tests, or if you're willing to wait.
'client' If `False` (default) then first a check is performed to see
if a client is already running, if not then a `LocalCluster`
is started up.
'close' If `True` (default) then the client is closed upon completion.
Keeping it open would be preferred if many calls to this
function are expected, like doing REV calculations.
=========== =================================================================
solver_args : dict
A dictionary of arguments to control the solver used. This dictionary is
passed to `porespy.simulations.tortuosity_fd` function.
df : dataframe
df : DataFrame
A `pandas` data frame with the properties for each block on a given row.
dask_args = {'client': None, 'close': False} | dask_args
# Deal with dask args and clients
dask_args = {'enable': True, 'client': None, 'close': False} | dask_args
solver_args = {'tol': 1e-6} | solver_args
if dask_args['client'] is None: # If client is provided, use it
client = dask.distributed.client._get_global_client() # If one exists use it
if client is None: # Otherwise create one
client = Client(LocalCluster(silence_logs=logging.CRITICAL))
if dask_args['enable'] is True:
if dask_args['client'] is None: # If client is provided, use it
client = dask.distributed.client._get_global_client() # Use it if found
if client is None: # Otherwise create one
client = Client(LocalCluster(silence_logs=logging.CRITICAL))

# Parse args
if not np.isscalar(block_size):
raise Exception('Only cubic blocks supported. block_size must be a scalar')
# Trim image to be a clean multiple of block size in all directions
tmp1 = im.shape
stops = block_size * (np.array(im.shape) // block_size)
s = tuple(slice(0, stops[i], None) for i in range(im.ndim))
im_temp = im[s]
tmp2 = im_temp.shape
print(f"Image was trimmed to fit given block size from {tmp1} to {tmp2}")

# Trim image to be a clean multiple of block_size in all directions
im_temp = np.copy(im)
if np.any(np.array(im_temp.shape) % block_size):
tmp1 = im_temp.shape
stops = block_size * (np.array(im_temp.shape) // block_size)
s = tuple(slice(0, stops[i], None) for i in range(im_temp.ndim))
im_temp = im_temp[s]
tmp2 = im_temp.shape
msg = f"Image was trimmed to fit given block size from {tmp1} to {tmp2}"

# Prepare to find tau for all blocks in all principal directions
df = pd.DataFrame()
offset = int(block_size/2)
for ax in tqdm(range(im.ndim), **settings.tqdm):
msg = "Analyzing blocks along each axis"
for ax in tqdm(range(im.ndim), desc=msg, **settings.tqdm):
im_temp = np.swapaxes(im_temp, 0, ax)
im_temp = im_temp[offset:-offset, ...]
im_temp = im_temp[offset:-offset, ...] # Remove 1/2 block from start and end
im_temp = np.swapaxes(im_temp, 0, ax)
slices = subdivide(im_temp, block_size=block_size, mode='offset')
queue = []
for s in slices:
queue.append(dask.delayed(calc_g)(im_temp[s], axis=ax))
results = dask.compute(*queue, scheduler=client)
slices = subdivide(im_temp, block_size=block_size, mode='whole')
if dask_args['enable']: # Do it with dask
queue = []
for s in slices:
results = dask.compute(*queue, scheduler=client)
else: # Or do it the simple way
results = []
for s in slices:
results.append(calc_g(im_temp[s], axis=ax, solver_args=solver_args))

# Convert results to a new DataFrame and append to main DataFrame
df_temp = pd.DataFrame()
df_temp['eps_orig'] = [r.original_porosity for r in results]
df_temp['eps_perc'] = [r.effective_porosity for r in results]
df_temp['g'] = [r.diffusive_conductance for r in results]
df_temp['tau'] = [r.tortuosity for r in results]
df_temp['volume'] = [r.volume for r in results]
df_temp['length'] = [block_size for r in results]
df_temp['axis'] = [ax for _ in results]
df = pd.concat((df, df_temp))
if dask_args['close']:

if dask_args['enable'] and dask_args['close']:
return df
Expand All @@ -271,17 +317,16 @@ def network_to_tau(df, im, block_size):
The dataframe returned by the `blocks_to_dataframe` function
im : ndarray
The boolean image of the materials with `True` indicating the void space
block_size : int or list of ints
The size of the blocks to use. If a list is given, the largest value is used
for all directions.
block_size : int
The size of the blocks used to compute the conductance values in `df`
tau : list of floats
The tortuosity in all three principal directions
if not np.isscalar(block_size): # divs must be equal, so use biggest block
block_size = max(block_size)
if not np.isscalar(block_size):
raise Exception('Only cubic blocks supported. block_size must be a scalar')
divs = block_size_to_divs(shape=im.shape, block_size=block_size)
net =
phase = op.phase.Phase(network=net)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -340,9 +385,10 @@ def tortuosity_bt(im, block_size=None):

if __name__ =="__main__":
import porespy as ps
im = ps.generators.cylinders(shape=[300, 200, 100], porosity=0.5, r=3, seed=1)
# im = ps.generators.cylinders(shape=[300, 200, 100], porosity=0.5, r=3, seed=1)
im = ps.generators.blobs(shape=[300, 200, 100], porosity=0.5, blobiness=[1, 2, 3], seed=1)
df = rev_tortuosity(im, [20, 30])
df = rev_tortuosity(im, [20, 30], dask_args={'enable': True})
t =
# block_size = estimate_block_size(im, scale_factor=3, mode='linear')
Expand Down

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