- Added PacketBuffer for Rx (25 Seg) to avoid processing recent heard packets again.
- BME (Wx) Modules will be autodetected (I2C Address and if it is BME280/BMP280/BME680).
- HELTEC Wireless Stick Lite v3 support added.
- WebConfig: Update to control whether Messages and Objects should be Tx to RF.
- WebConfig: Experimental Backup-Digirepeater-Mode when "only" iGate Mode loses WiFi connection.
- WebConfig: Forced Reboot Mode added.
- WebConfig: Battery Monitor to make boards sleep below pre-defined voltages for internal (Battery) voltage and external Voltages
- T-Beams with Battery Monitoring as well.
- Callsign Validation Process
- Si7021 module added
- ESP32C3 + 1W LoRa Module (E22 400M30S) support added