A port of satellite-js to rust.
Currently unstable, and unsuitable for production use.
Since this library is currently unstable, you may want to simply grab the latest version from master
satellite = { git = "https://github.com/richinfante/satellite-rs.git", branch = "master" }
- Get updated tles from a source such as celestrak.
- Run predictions for a specific location / time (see below.)
extern crate satellite;
extern crate chrono;
use chrono::prelude::*;
fn main() {
// ISS TLE's
let tle1 = "1 25544U 98067A 19070.20068744 .00000619 00000-0 17310-4 0 9990";
let tle2 = "2 25544 51.6414 128.3903 0004102 93.2843 5.7821 15.52799004160030";
let mut satrec = satellite::io::twoline2satrec(tle1, tle2).unwrap();
let time = Utc::now();
let result = satellite::propogation::propogate_datetime(&mut satrec, time).unwrap();
println!("Position {:#?}", result.position);
println!("Velocity {:#?}", result.velocity);
// Set the Observer at 122.03 West by 36.96 North, in RADIANS
let observer = satellite::Geodedic {
longitude: -122.0308 * satellite::constants::DEG_2_RAD,
latitude: 36.9613422 * satellite::constants::DEG_2_RAD,
height: 0.370
let gmst = satellite::propogation::gstime::gstime_datetime(time);
let sat_pos = satellite::transforms::eci_to_geodedic(&result.position, gmst);
let position_ecf = satellite::transforms::eci_to_ecf(&result.position, gmst);
let look_angles = satellite::transforms::ecf_to_look_angles(&observer, &position_ecf);
println!("longitude = {}", sat_pos.latitude * satellite::constants::RAD_TO_DEG);
println!("latitude = {}", sat_pos.longitude * satellite::constants::RAD_TO_DEG);
println!("alt = {}", sat_pos.height * satellite::constants::KM_TO_MI);
println!("aizmuth = {}", look_angles.azimuth * satellite::constants::RAD_TO_DEG);
println!("elevation = {}", look_angles.elevation * satellite::constants::RAD_TO_DEG);
println!("range = {}", look_angles.range * satellite::constants::KM_TO_MI);
- Deep-space calculations appear to be slightly off. Cause is currently unknown
- Many portions are currently untested.
- Refactor code to allow for easier testing
- Add tests for remaining modules to ensure proper port
- constants.rs
- ext.rs
- doppler_factor.rs
- transforms.rs partial
- io.rs
- propogation/dpper.rs
- propogation/dscom.rs
- propogation/dsinit.rs
- propogation/dspace.rs
- propogation/gstime.rs
- propogation/initl.rs
- propogation/sgp4.rs
- propogation/sgp4init.rs
MIT License. Derivative of satellite-js and sgp4