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This is a solution to the Crowdfunding product page challenge on Frontend Mentor

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Frontend Mentor - Crowdfunding product page solution

This is a solution to the Crowdfunding product page challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

To build out a crowdfunding product page and get it looking as close to the design as possible.

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for interactive elements
  • Make a selection of which pledge to make
  • See an updated progress bar and total money raised based on their pledge total after confirming a pledge
  • See the number of total backers increment by one after confirming a pledge
  • Toggle whether or not the product is bookmarked


Reference Images


My process

  • I started with just the HTML and CSS.
  • In the first version of adding the interactivity I used AlpineJS.
  • I switched to Vue.js v2 so that I would have rendered HTML without the template directives.
  • NOTE: Because I started with AlpineJS and then switched to Vue.js I did not refactor the HTML into composable Vue components, I simply converted the script and template directives to use Vue.js. If I had started from the beginning with Vue.js then the structure would be very different.
  • 2023-05-20 Upgraded to Vue 3 using the composition API.

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • CSS Grid
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • Vue.js - JS library

What I learned

  1. How to style the HTML5 progress element
/* Most of these settings affect the progress element for Firefox and removes
 * the defaults (appearance: none) for other browsers.
 * The background-color and border-radius style those parts of the
 * progress element in Firefox.
 * The height and width affects all browsers once the defaults are disabled.
.project__stats-funding-progress progress[value] {
  -webkit-appearance: none;
  -moz-appearance: none;
       appearance: none;
  background-color: rgba(47, 47, 47, 0.05);
  border-radius: 0.5em;
  border: none;
  height: 0.75rem;
  width: 17.4375rem;

/* Style the progress value for Firefox. */
.project__stats-funding-progress progress[value]::-moz-progress-bar {
  background-color: #3cb3ab;
  border-radius: 0.5em;
  position: relative;

/* Style the progress value for Webkit/Blink. */
.project__stats-funding-progress progress[value]::-webkit-progress-value,
.project__stats-funding-progress progress::-webkit-progress-value {
  background-color: #3cb3ab;
  border-radius: 0.5em;

/* Style the progress bar for Webkit/Blink. */
.project__stats-funding-progress progress[value]::-webkit-progress-bar {
  background-color: rgba(47, 47, 47, 0.05);
  border-radius: 0.5em;
  1. The gradient overlay for the mobile menu was adapted for AlpineJS from work I did on another project. The original work was learned in the Wes Bos JavaScript30 course.
  2. When migrating to Vue 3 and the composition API, re-implementing the scroll to the selected pledge proved to be tricky. Using the information from Exploring Vue Refs: A Step-by-Step Tutorial on Vue.js Refs and Best Practices, I was able to devise a way to implement the functionality while using Pinia for state management.

Useful resources
