Implementation of different AI's to play pacman
To run ai:
simply navigate to home directory and type in the following example command:
python -p AlphaBetaAgent -a depth=3 -l smallClassic
The available agents can be called with the flag -p and they are: – MinimaxAgent – AlphaBetaAgent – ExpectimaxAgent
-a Allows you to specify agent specific arguments. For instance, for any agent that is a subclass of MultiAgentSearchAgent, you can specify the depth that you limit your search tree by typing -a depth=3
-l Allows you to select a map for playing Pacman, e.g., -l smallClassic. There are 9 playable maps, listed.
– minimaxClassic – trappedClassic – testClassic – smallClassic – capsuleClassic – openClassic – contestClassic – mediumClassic – originalClassic