Flask web framework boilerplate to access Apache Hive using Cloudera's Impyla, a python DB API 2.0 client for Impala and Hive (HiveServer2 protocol).
Twitter bootstrap and echarts js included
Install flask
pip install flask
Install impyla
pip install impyla
Install thrift_sasl
pip install thrift_sasl
Install sasl
pip install sasl
Install thrift version 0.9.3, will not run on version 0.10.0
pip install thrift==0.9.3
Please take note that I don't recommend using this to query large data sets in real time, as it will be super slow(this is by design, Hive isn't intended for real time usage) depends on the size of the data.
My intended usage is only to access summary tables in hive which consist of results of data that are already been processed and ready to show on the dashboard.