hyper-statusline-extended is an extension and rewrite of henrikdahl's hyper-statusline plugin for Hyper.
Add the following to your hyper config.
module.exports = {
plugins: ["hyper-statusline-extended"]
Or, install it via the CLI, like so, and then restart Hyper.
hyper i hyper-statusline-extended
Add the following to your Hyper config's config object.
Note to use this, you need to have tducret's Revolut API and a Revolut API token, follow their doc's to get one. If you have more than one balance/vault set, you can then cycle through them by clicking the component on the status line.
revolut: {
balanceCurrencies: [], // Can include 'EUR', 'USD', and/or 'GBP'
vaultCurrencies: [], // Can include 'EUR', 'USD', and/or 'GBP'
REV_TOKEN: '<revolutToken>',
REV_API_PATH: '<pathToRevolutAPI>'
Expected value is CSS color
hyperStatusLine: {
dirtyColor: 'salmon',
Expected value is CSS color
hyperStatusLine: {
aheadColor: 'ivory',
Default value is set to true
hyperStatusLine: {
footerTransparent: false,
- Add tests for each component
- Add battery information
- Look into Spotify Web SDK and if it can be used within Electron (Widevine CDM may prevent this)
- Add ability to change IP showing (local/external)