Data scientist with engineering background interested in solving problems using Python, SQL and PowerBI.
- 👩🏽💻 Techs & Tools: •Python •Spark • SQL • Git • Power BI • R • Linux Shell
- ☁️ Cloud: •Azure-Databricks •Notions of AWS
- 📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn
- 🌱 I started to share some data science ideas here: Medium
- My background:
🇫🇷 Master in Data Science and AI at DSTI (2022-2024)
🇧🇷 Master of Science in Mechanical-Aeronautics engineering at ITA (2016-2021)
🇫🇷 Engineering Academical exchange at Arts et Métiers (2019-2021) - My professional portfolio: portfolio
- Ramen ratings: performed some exploratory data analysis (EDA) and visualizations with boxplot.
- Retail sales: built a PowerBI report with demographic and sales indicators.
- Customer segmentation: proceeded customer segmentation from customers of an e-commerce retail platform. You can read my analysis on this Medium page.
Keywords: data manipulation, outliers treatement, standardization, clusterization, K-Means, scatterplot, business discussion. - Book's ratings: worked in group to predict the ratings of a book from the platform Goodreads.
Keywords: git, one hot encoding, label encoder, Random Forest Regressor, model evaluation, Docker. - Watertable prediction hackthon: predicted the levels of surface of water in groundwater surface in a classification approach.
Keywords: ordinal encoder, lightGBMClassifier, FLAML, feature importance.