Clone cluster-setup repostiory:
git clone git@github.com:rhdemo/2019-demo4-cluster-setup.git
Follow the deployment instructions in that repository
Wait until the pods are running, then you can view the factory floor by accessing the Dashboard UI at http://dashboard-web-game-demo. Go to the admin UI at http://admin-web-game-demo. using the password that you set in step 4 with the variable
and click on OptaPlanner to start simulation, unpauze dispatching and add/remove mechanics.
mvn spring-boot:run
To run with the Infinispan connector:
Run infinispan server (make sure counters and DispatchEvents caches are added to the config file):
$INFINISPAN_HOME/bin/standalone.sh -c CONFIG_FILE.xml
Change hotrod endpoint in
Run the application:
`mvn spring-boot:run -Dprod`
Login to a running OpenShift instance
Make sure datagrid service is running, if not deploy it:
git clone git@github.com:rhdemo/2019-demo4-cluster-setup.git ./2019-demo4-cluster-setup/datagrid/deploy.sh
Either use an existing project or create a new one by executing:
oc new-project NAME
Deploy the application to the project
mvn clean package -Popenshift
Find out a URL the service was exposed on
oc get route
Below are examples on key/value pairs in Infinispan caches that are relevant to OptaPlanner.
mechanic: {
"mechanicIndex": 0,
“originalMachineIndex”: 0,
"focusMachineIndex": 0,
"focusTravelDurationMillis": 1000,
"focusFixDurationMillis": 2000
MECHANIC_ID-futureIndexes: {
mechanicIndex: 0,
futureMachineIndexes: [
First make sure docker daemon is running, if not type sudo systemctl start docker
(or add the property -Ddocker.host=DOCKER_DAEMON_URL
Create a .env
file similar to .env.example
containing your quay.io username and password and run the script
This command will build an image optaplanner-demo:latest
and tag it temporarily as
then push it to quay.io registry.
Therefore, remove any images with the same tag before executing the command above.
Running the docker
command without sudo
should work, but doesn’t on a vanilla Fedora installation.
If it doesn’t, try this:
dnf install docker
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker `whoami`
sudo systemctl start docker
// If this fails with a permission problem, reboot first
docker run hello-world
If you’re getting 401 authorization issues during the mvn
build, try this first:
docker login docker.io
docker login quay.io/redhatdemo
If you follow security protocols and have different passwords for both services,
run docker pull fabric8/java-centos-openjdk8-jdk:1.5
first with the docker.io credentials
and then run the mvn
command with the quay credentials.