This repository contains the code and documentation for creating RHEL AI Proofs of Concept (POCs). This aims to be straightforward and comply with the available documentation for RHEL AI and InstructLab. The goal is to provide a simple and easy to follow guide for creating successful and reproducible POCs that can be used to demonstrate the capabilities of RHEL AI.
Much of what is here, are some nuance and gotchas that may not be covered in the main documentation. There are some included scripts and automation, but many of these are anticipated to be removed as the features are integrated into the main RHEL AI product.
Official Installation Documentation
The most common data to use for training a custom model, is PDF formatted. In the directory in document_collection
add your pdfs. These will be used to create markdown versions of the data suitable for the RHEL AI synthetic data generation. During the data prepration step, we will convert the PDFs to markdown. By default, markdown, broken in chunks will be created in the output folder. You will refer to these generated markdown files from your "qna.yaml" file.
If your data is in markdown format already, you can refer to markdown documents directly in the qna.yaml
Official Documentation - Customizing your taxonomy tree
The qna.yaml file is a simple yaml file that contains the questions and answers for the document. This file is used in the synthetic data generation process to create the training data for the model. They should be placed in the appropriate directory structure in the taxonomy
folder. (e.g. taxonomy/knowledge/my_subject/qna.yaml
). At the end of this process, you should be able to copy this directory structure as needed for the POC either to upload to the cloud service or the RHEL AI instance used in the POC.
TBD qna.yaml best practices and gotchas.
It is also useful to obtain a set of human generated questions and answers to judge the model. These questions will be held separate from the model training data and used to evaluate the model. These questions and "ground truth" answers will be used in our evaluation process to evaluate how our model is doing. You can format these questions in a CSV format with the columns "question" and "ground_truth" and place them in the eval/qna
directory. In addition you can use the same format as a qna.yaml. This is useful if you would like to use a qna.yaml for evaluation as a trial run or stand in.
- questions_and_answers:
- question: >
relevant question
answer: >
reference / ground truth answer
- question: >
relevant question
answer: >
reference / ground truth answer
Since RHEL AI needs markdown of the knowledge data in for synthetic data generation (SDG), the first step is to convert the PDF to a format that is easily digestible. For this we will use Docling to convert the PDF to chunks of markdown text. The code to do so is a work in progress and will be , but for now, we've taken the current versions of the SDG conversion scripts and added them here as a workaround.
In the
python script will convert pdfs to chunks of markdown ready for SDG. Enable your python environment and switch to the data_preparation
source venv/bin/activate
cd data_preparation
Then run the script a command, such as the example:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python --input-dir document_collection --output-dir output
In the event you would like to see the steps of the process or perhaps customize the process, you can convert the PDF using a simple notebook: data_preparation/pdf_conversion.ipynb.
Next run the cells in the notebook to convert all PDFs from the document_collection
directory to markdown. The notebook will create an output
directory for the converted markdown files, copied taxonomy, and some intermediate files. The markdown has been broken up in to chunks for better context for the synthetic data generation process. The markdown files will be named,
Commit the changes to the OUTPUT_DIR
to the repository. Take note of the markdown locations and the commit hash for the training data, and push it up to the repository.
Official Documentation - Creating a konwledge YAML file
For the copied taxonomy in output/taxonomy
, you need to refer to your output markdown files and the commit hash in the document
If the repository is public, simply refer to the repo URL, commit hash, and the path to markdown files in the qna.yaml file. For example:
repo: ''
commit: 50e47897b5d5bb359504618fa33a83110e87f5f8
- 'data_preparation/output/knowledge/my_subject/md/*.md'
After updating your qna.yaml files in this project, you can test them out like so:
ilab taxonomy diff --taxonomy-path ./output/taxonomy
After you've validated the qna.yaml files, you can commit them to the taxonomy repository and push
NOTE: file references
In the case of a private repository or a repo that only exists on the RHEL AI server, you can refer to the documents using the file://
protocol. For example:
repo: 'file:///home/example-user/poc-repo'
commit: 50e47897b5d5bb359504618fa33a83110e87f5f8
- 'data_preparation/output/knowledge/my_subject/md/*.md'
Now you can copy the output taxonomy folder and place it in the appropriate location on the RHEL AI instance.
rm -rf ~/.local/share/instructlab/taxonomy
cp -r <poc-repo>/data_preparation/taxonomy ~/.local/share/instructlab/
After the files are copied, you can do a final check on the taxonomy before proceeding.
ilab taxonomy diff
Now, that we've finished preparing the documents and taxonomy, we're ready to generate the synthetic data. This is done using the ilab generate
command. This command will take the markdown files and the qna.yaml file and generate the synthetic data for training the model.
You can run the command in a background task or tmux to make sure it runs to completion. In addition, it is customized to allow each of the previously generated markdown chunks to be consumed whole during the SDG process.
ilab data generate --chunk-word-count 10000 --server-ctx-size 16384
If you want to run it in the background, so the process does not get interrupted:
nohup ilab data generate --chunk-word-count 10000 --server-ctx-size 16384 > generate.log 2>&1
tail -f generate.log
The synthetic data will be in a directory ~/.local/share/instructlab/datasets/
and be named skills_train_msgs...jsonl
and knowledge_train_msgs...jsonl
. These files will be used to train the model in the next step.
ilab model train --strategy lab-multiphase \
--phased-phase1-data ~/.local/share/instructlab/datasets/knowledge_train_msgs_2024-11-08T22_55_40.jsonl \
--phased-phase2-data ~/.local/share/instructlab/datasets/skills_train_msgs_2024-11-08T22_55_40.jsonl
When trying to run ilab train
in a background process, you'll need to add -y
in order to skip the interactive prompts and avoid the process not progressing. For example:
nohup ilab model train -y \
--strategy lab-multiphase \
--phased-phase1-data ~/.local/share/instructlab/datasets/knowledge_train_msgs_2024-11-08T22_55_40.jsonl \
--phased-phase2-data ~/.local/share/instructlab/datasets/skills_train_msgs_2024-11-08T22_55_40.jsonl \
> training.log 2>&1 &
tail -f training.log
To test out and evaluate the model for demo purposes, first we need to serve the model. After training you will have received a message in the training output like the following:
Training finished! Best final checkpoint: <path-to-best-performed-checkpoint> with score: 6.968152866242038
This is the model checkpoint we'll serve.
Official Documentation - Serving and chatting with your new model
Once the model training is complete
ilab model serve --model-path <path-to-best-performed-checkpoint>
Official Documentation - Serving large models with OpenShift AI
If you choose to serve the model with OpenShift AI, this will give you the flexibility to open up the model as an endpoint secured by an API key. You will also be able to build applications (such as a RAG chatbot) for demo purposes.
To serve the model with OpenShift AI, you will need to save the model to an object storage bucket that is compatible with the S3 API. You can edit and use the python script misc/s3_uploader
if you wish.
Once the model is in storage, you can add an OpenShift AI data connection to the storage bucket. Once the connection is established, you can deploy it with the vLLM serving image. The model will be served as an endpoint that you can access with an API key.
Evaluation notebooks are available in the eval
directory. These notebooks will allow you to evaluate the model using the evaluation questions and answers you've collected. The notebooks will allow you to run the model against the evaluation questions and answers and provide a score for the model in comparison with other models using RAG.
There are two notebooks available for evaluation:
Notebook: eval_rh_api.ipynb
This notebooks is available to run a standard evaluation (llm-eval-app). To run this notebook, you will need:
- The URL and API key for the evaluation service.
- The information for your fine-tuned model deployed and accessible via an API.
- A set of reference questions and answers in a common format (csv, jsonl, or qna.yaml).
- A set of context data in PDF format. These are generally the documents that the model was trained on. The notebook includes instructions on how to run the evaluation and how to interpret the results. The notebook will provide a scores for the model, the model with RAG, Granite 3 with RAG, and ChatGPT with RAG.
Notebook: local_custom_eval.ipynb
This notebook is available for more custom evaluations. With this notebook you can compare the model to any number of other models of your choosing with any template of your choosing. You can also customize a ChatGPT scoring template. To run this notebook, you will need:
- An OpenAI API key.
- The information for your fine-tuned model deployed and accessible via an API.
- The API information for each of the models you wish to compare against.
- A set of reference questions and answers in a common format (csv, jsonl, or qna.yaml).
- A set of context data in PDF format. These are generally the documents that the model was trained on.
- A set of questions and answers for evaluation in a common format (csv, jsonl, or qna.yaml).