It is "light" with respect to:
- It uses a Neo4j-Graphdatabase via bulbs (, i.e. a REST-interface (instead of a RDBMS)
- It uses the Python micro webframework Flask (instead of a full-blown framework like Django or Pyramide)
- No caching
- No i18n
- Little security
- Hardly any javascript
Software Engineering:
- No fancy abstraction layers
- No built-in version-management of items.
- No "Design Patterns".
Requirements: It implements just the core set of requirements, i.e.
- Instances: An instance comprises a set of proposals and users. -- implemented --
- Users: Basic user-management (login, sign-in, logout) -- implemented --
- Proposals: Add, delete, view Proposals. -- implemented --
- Voting: One Up-Vote/Down-Vote per User per Proposal / Comment. -- implemented --
- Comments: Add, delete and vote for discussion-comments of a proposal. -- implemented --
- Rationals: Add, delete and vote for pro-/con-rationals of a proposal. -- not yet implemented --
- Delegations: Delegate own vote to other user(s) relative to parlament, proposal or whole instance. -- right in the process of being implemented -- (I dont yet know: Should the delegation also be projected to past actions?)
- Parlaments: Add, delete Parlaments (in which proposals can be raised); actually, that's nothing but a mechanism to tag proposals. -- just implemented --
Install neo4j and neo4j-server to a path of your choice (say:
) and start the server via$ cd /path/to/neo4j $ bin/neo4j start
create a new local python environment
$ virtualenv venv
activate the environment
$ source venv/bin/activate
Install Flask and Bulbs
(venv)$ pip install flask (venv)$ pip install bulbs
clone/copy this git-repo and start the main programm
(venv)$ git clone liquidDemocracyXXS (venv)$ cd LiquidDemocracy-XXS (venv)$ python
Be sure not to use the global
-Python but the local.../venv/bin/python
-Python of the local environment. -
open a webbrowser and call http://localhost:5000
You are free to use the Neo4j-test data, provided in the
-folder of this repository. -
It contains proposals (written in german), Users (which all use the password
; the admin-user is -
), Comments (written in german), Parlaments, Votings, two Instances. -
Install the test data by copying the
-Folder to/path/to/neo4j
(probably just copying will work, however I am not fully sure about it). :
I found it much easier to set up the development environment on a Linux-System. Perhaps you want to install Linux e.g. on VirutalBox inside Windows and go on with the above instructions? If not, try to do the following:
install setuptools from
Add C.\Python2x\ and C:\Python2x\scripts to the windows path variable
Open a new DOS shell and run
> easy_install pip
activate the environment
> \path\to\env\Scripts\activate
install flask, bulbs and dateutil
> pip install flask > pip install bulbs > pip install python-dateutil
Note: To get it all working, you must have a compiler installed (e.g. Visual Studio 2008 or mingw)
Download the latest stable release of the Neo4j-Graphdatabase (
Start the Neo4j-Server (you need a Java Runtime Environment for that):
> bin\Neo4j.bat
Run the script with python; a Test-Webserver is included.