Launch Jupyter kernels over HTTP. Provides only the kernels and kernelspecs APIs of IPython/Jupyter. starts a tornado web server that launches a single kernel and provides the ability to launch more.
Here we set the base path of the IPython API to start at /jupyter/
$ python --base-path=jupyter
[I 150113 14:32:13 kernelmanager:85] Kernel started: a8064a6c-a5a4-45d3-8d50-b226efc10f65
[I 150113 14:32:13 kernels:89] Serving at
^C[I 150113 14:32:15 kernels:93] Interrupted...
[I 150113 14:32:16 multikernelmanager:140] Kernel shutdown: a8064a6c-a5a4-45d3-8d50-b226efc10f65
A Docker image is available for launching directly:
$ docker run -it -p 8000:8000 rgbkrk/kernels
Several environment variables are available for configuration:
Environment Variable | Description |
The name of the initial kernel (language type) to use, defaults to system python (could be 'ir' for the R Kernel) |
Derivative images of rgbkrk/kernels
that install kernels like IJulia or the IRKernel need only define these in their Dockerfiles.
Options for base path and port are provided via command line arguments (like the tmpnb demo image). If used directly, they must be done with sh -c
$ docker run -it -p 8000:8000 rgbkrk/kernels sh -c "/srv/ --base-path=/krn/"
[I 150113 10:43:00 kernelmanager:85] Kernel started: 83de760b-51d3-420b-a05b-2467439ac45c
[I 150113 10:43:00 kernels:89] Serving at
Otherwise you get that awkward kernel restart that occurs when IPython and Docker's pseudo-exec collide:
$ docker run -it -p 8000:8000 rgbkrk/kernels /srv/ --base-path=/krn/
[I 150113 10:43:49 kernelmanager:85] Kernel started: c8c3fa7c-3b5b-47f9-b863-cb59cc26ea26
[I 150113 10:43:49 kernels:89] Serving at
[I 150113 10:43:52 restarter:103] KernelRestarter: restarting kernel (1/5)
This is terribly hacky, there must be a better way. I'm directly using one notebook to get access to the kernel running somewhere else.
// Hokey creation of a kernel object
var k = new IPython.Kernel("", "", IPython.notebook);
// This kernel can be located anywhere
k.ws_url = 'ws://'
// Using the full path provided on launch
k.kernel_url = "/krn/api/kernels/5b7ad625-4484-403a-a7c3-8b16394b2ae7"
k.kernel_id = "5b7ad625-4484-403a-a7c3-8b16394b2ae7"
// TODO: Wait for the websocket connection to finalize
k.execute('import os; os.mkdir("touchdown")');
In reality, I want to be able to use the kernel without a notebook.
The reason is that events are propagated to a notebook model in the JavaScript.