Capybara Adventure is a fascinating ranner game that will take you to an uncharted world, where you will play as charming capybara. The unique jumping mechanic allows you to control the strength of the jump and move only by jumping, which creates an interesting gameplay. Upgrade your capybara, jump around islands and find new places in an exciting world full of danger and rewards. Capybara Adventure is the perfect game for anyone who loves exciting adventures and addictive gameplay in a mobile game.
Looking for fresh code? Check out Capybara World repository!
- Release Date: May 13, 2023
- Last Update: October 16, 2023
- Project was made with Unity Engine
- Engine Version: 2021.3.16f1
- Zenject - Dependency Injection Container for Unity
- UniTask - better async/await for Unity (v2.4.1)
- UnityAds - UnityAds SDK v4.4.2
- Localization - official localization package for Unity
- Universal RP - Scriptable Render Pipeline made by Unity
- Cinemachine - Advanced camera for Unity
- DOTween - Animation engine for Unity
- NightPool - Fast object pool for Unity
- Appodeal* - Appodeal SDK v3.0.2
( * - Used in previous versions )
Some of the systems implemented in the project may seem over-engineered for this project size - it's true, I was practicing my skills, don't worry :) But I will be happy if you notice something strange like that and notify me, e.g. put it in the issues
- Grisha Revenko - Game & UI Design, Code, Mediation, Publishing
- Kristina - Graphics, Game Design
See the list of contributors who and how participated in this project.
Extra thanks to all of those who was helping to test the game during its development! Love you!
- My pleasure to you to contribute to my project! Feel free to go
- If you notice any bug or just have some suggestion, do not hesitate to create an issue
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details
- PluginYG - Unity plugin used for publishing on Yandex Games platform
- Privacy Policy Generator - used for publishing onto Google Play Market
- - taken some sounds from there
- DALLE-2 - used for creating some UI assets