Curated list of my reads, implementations and core concepts of Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning by best folk in the world.
- Python Deep Learning Projects
- Deep Learning
- Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (FANN)
- The Nature of Code
- Create and Train Custom Neural Network Architectures - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks India
- limdu js framework
- Neural networks and deep learning
- NN Why Does it Work?
- Introduction to Convex Optimization | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCourseWare
- Python Programming Tutorials imge recognition
- Data Science and Machine Learning Essentials | edX
- Deep learning – Convolutional neural networks and feature extraction with Python | Pyevolve
- 50 external machine learning / data science resources and articles - Data Science Central
- Hacker's guide to Neural Networks
- Fast Forward Labs: How do neural networks learn?
- Machine Learning
- Memkite – Deep Learning for iOS (tested on iPhone 6S), tvOS and OS X developed in Metal and Swift | Memkite
- Demis Hassabis, CEO, DeepMind Technologies - The Theory of Everything | Machine Learning & Computer Vision Talks
- DataTau- hacker news on DL
- Deeplearning4j - Open-source, distributed deep learning for the JVM
- Torch | Recurrent Model of Visual Attention
- Machine Learning for Developers by Mike de Waard
- Deep Learning - Community - Google+
- A Tour of Machine Learning Algorithms - Data Science Central
- Understanding Natural Language with Deep Neural Networks Using Torch | Parallel Forall
- What a Deep Neural Network thinks about your #selfie
- Jason Yosinski
- WildML | A blog about Machine Learning, Deep Learning and NLP.
- Getting Started — TensorFlow
- Deep Learning:Theoretical Motivations - VideoLectures.NET
- Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning Tutorial
- Wit — Getting Started
- ujjwalkarn/Machine-Learning-Tutorials
- Top 10 Machine Learning APIs: AT&T Speech, IBM Watson, Google Prediction | ProgrammableWeb
- NeuroVis | An interactive introduction to neural networks
- learning_tensorflow/ at master · chetannaik/learning_tensorflow
- intro2deeplearning/notebooks at master · rouseguy/intro2deeplearning
- Autoencoders - Ep. 10 (Deep Learning SIMPLIFIED) - YouTube
- Python Programming Tutorials
- How to Prepare Data For Machine Learning - Machine Learning Mastery
- Solve Machine Learning Problems Step-by-Step - Machine Learning Mastery
- Implementing a CNN for Text Classification in TensorFlow – WildML
- Anyone Can Learn To Code an LSTM-RNN in Python (Part 1: RNN) - i am trask
- 7 Steps to Mastering Machine Learning With Python
- DeepLearningKit – Open Source Deep Learning Framework for Apple’s iOS, OS X and tvOS | Open Source Deep Learning Framework for iOS, OS X and tvOS
- A Visual Introduction to Machine Learning
- Attention and Memory in Deep Learning and NLP – WildML
- A Neural Network in 11 lines of Python (Part 1) - i am trask
- Python Training | Python For Data Science | Learn Python
- Understanding LSTM Networks -- colah's blog
- deeplearning4nlp-tutorial/2015-10_Lecture at master · nreimers/deeplearning4nlp-tutorial
- Collection Of 51 Free eBooks On Python Programming
- Analyzing 50k fonts using deep neural networks | Erik Bernhardsson
- Data Science Ontology
- Reddit Machine Learning
- RNNs in Darknet
- caesar0301/awesome-public-datasets: An awesome list of high-quality open datasets in public domains (on-going).
- A Beginner's Guide to Recurrent Networks and LSTMs - Deeplearning4j: Open-source, distributed deep learning for the JVM
- Essentials of Machine Learning Algorithms (with Python and R Codes)
- PythonForArtificialIntelligence - Python Wiki
- carpedm20/lstm-char-cnn-tensorflow: LSTM language model with CNN over characters in TensorFlow
- kjw0612/awesome-rnn: Recurrent Neural Network - A curated list of resources dedicated to RNN
- sherjilozair/char-rnn-tensorflow: Multi-layer Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM, RNN) for character-level language models in Python using Tensorflow
- Stanford University CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
- Top Youtube Videos On Machine Learning, Neural Network & Deep Learning
- The Spectator ← Shakir's Machine Learning Blog
- Preprocessing text data — Computational Statistics in Python 0.1 documentation
- Tutorial : Beginner to advanced machine learning in 15 hour Videos – AnalyticsPro : Analytics Tutorials for Data Science , BI & Big Data
- Next Big Future: Recurrent Neural Nets
- Must Know Tips/Tricks in Deep Neural Networks - Data Science Central
- Visual Question Answering Demo in Python Notebook – Aaditya Prakash (Adi) – Random Musings of Computer Vision grad student
- A Neural Network Playground
- Machine Learning : Few rarely shared trade secrets - Data Science Central
- Russell Stewart- debug NN
- Extracting meaningful content from raw HTML – Thomas Uhrig
- Russell Stewart
- Recurrent Neural Networks | The Shape of Data
- ITP-NYU - Spring 2016
- White Rain Noise Generator | White Noise & Rain Combined
- Machine Learning
- A GloVe implementation in Python - foldl
- Understanding Convolution in Deep Learning - Tim Dettmers
- The Chars74K image dataset - Character Recognition in Natural Images
- A Statistical View of Deep Learning (IV): Recurrent Nets and Dynamical Systems ← The Spectator
- Tensorflow and deep learning - without a PhD - Google Slides
- Parity problem, sequential: 1 bit at a time
- Machine learning with Python: A Tutorial
- Neural networks and deep learning
- Juergen Schmidhuber's home page - Universal Artificial Intelligence - New AI - Deep Learning - Recurrent Neural Networks - Computer Vision - Object Detection - Image segmentation - Goedel Machine - Theory of everything - Algorithmic theory of everything -
- t-SNE – Laurens van der Maaten
- Stanford University CS224d: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
- Machine Learning 10-701/15-781: Lectures
- Word2vec Tutorial | RaRe Technologies
- Machine learning |
- How to read: Character level deep learning – Offbit
- Generative Models
- goodrahstar/python-machine-learning-book: The "Python Machine Learning" book code repository and info resource
- A noob’s guide to implementing RNN-LSTM using Tensorflow — Medium
- Structuring Your TensorFlow Models
- Would You Survive the Titanic? A Guide to Machine Learning in Python - SocialCops Blog
- Berkeley AI Materials
- Hello, TensorFlow! - O'Reilly Media
- Visualize Algorithms based on the Backpropagation — NeuPy
- Talking Machines
- Probability Cheatsheet
- A Beginner's Guide To Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks – Adit Deshpande – CS Undergrad at UCLA ('19)
- Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem | Abhishek Thakur | No Free Hunch
- MNE — MNE 0.12.0 documentation
- Alexandre Gramfort - Telecom ParisTech
- Image Kernels explained visually
- Introduction to Recurrent Networks in TensorFlow
- The Ultimate List of TensorFlow Resources: Books, Tutorials & More - Hacker Lists
- the morning paper | an interesting/influential/important paper from the world of CS every weekday morning, as selected by Adrian Colyer
- The Ultimate List of TensorFlow Resources: Books, Tutorials & More - Hacker Lists
- ChristosChristofidis/awesome-deep-learning: A curated list of awesome Deep Learning tutorials, projects and communities.
- Nervana's Deep Learning Course - Nervana
- CNN practical
- What my deep model doesn't know... | Yarin Gal - Blog | Cambridge Machine Learning Group
- TensorFlow Linear Model Tutorial
- tensorflow/models · GitHub
- An introduction to Generative Adversarial Networks (with code in TensorFlow) - AYLIEN
- Neural Network Evolution Playground with Backprop NEAT | 大トロ
- Teaching an AI to write Python code with Python code • Will cars dream?
- GitHub - paarthneekhara/text-to-image: Tensorflow implementation of text to image synthesis using thought vectors
- Learning TensorFlow
- The 9 Deep Learning Papers You Need To Know About (Understanding CNNs Part 3) – Adit Deshpande – CS Undergrad at UCLA ('19)
- What is the Role of the Activation Function in a Neural Network?
- Research paper categorization using machine learning and NLP
- WaveNet: A Generative Model for Raw Audio | DeepMind
- Backpropagation In Convolutional Neural Networks - DeepGrid
- Urban Sound Classification
- Model evaluation, model selection, and algorithm selection in machine learning - Part II
- Data - Melbourne University AES/MathWorks/NIH Seizure Prediction | Kaggle
- cchio/deep-pwning: Metasploit for machine learning.
- First Contact With TensorFlow | Professor Jordi Torres | UPC & BSC-CNS | Barcelona
- Industry // AETROS
- alrojo/tensorflow-tutorial · GitHub
- Sequence prediction using recurrent neural networks(LSTM) with TensorFlow — Mourad Mourafiq
- Python Programming Tutorials
- Natural Language Processing and Voice Recognition Resources – Niaw de Leon
- Deep Learning for Beginners
- TensorFlow on Android - O'Reilly Media
- TensorFlow for Mobile Poets « Pete Warden's blog
- 5 algorithms to train a neural network | Neural Designer
- Hello DeepQ —
- How do Convolutional Neural Networks work?
- Neural Network Architectures
- Question-Answer Dataset
- Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks
- GitXiv: Collaborative Open Computer Science
- Deep Learning Cheat Sheet
- Introduction to Recurrent Networks in TensorFlow
- DmitryUlyanov/neural-style-audio-tf · GitHub
- goodrahstar/tensorflow-value-iteration-networks: TensorFlow implementation of the Value Iteration Networks (NIPS '16) paper
- Recurrent Neural Network Tutorial for Artists | 大トロ
- Eric Jang: Summary of NIPS 2016
- GitHub - thtrieu/essence: AutoDiff DAG builder, built from scratch on top of numpy and C
- Deep Text Correcter
- GitHub - zhongwen/predictron: Tensorflow implementation of "The Predictron: End-To-End Learning and Planning"
- The major advancements in Deep Learning in 2016 - Tryolabs Blog
- Contact Me – the data science blog
- Wikipedia Monolingual Corpora | linguatools
- Tensorflow RNN-LSTM implementation to count number of set bits in a binary string
- buriburisuri/speech-to-text-wavenet: Speech-to-Text-WaveNet : End-to-end sentence level English speech recognition based on DeepMind's WaveNet and tensorflow
- AudioSet
- The amazing power of word vectors | the morning paper
- Let’s Make A Bot That Applies To Jobs For Us With Python – Millennial Dave
- goodrahstar/pytorch-tutorial: tutorial for researchers to learn deep learning with pytorch.
- Overview - seq2seq
- Baidu Deep Voice explained: Part 1 — the Inference Pipeline
- Tensorflow demystified – gk_ – Medium
- Transfer Learning - Machine Learning's Next Frontier
- Deep Learning with Emojis (not Math) – tech-at-instacart
- Anything2Vec, or How Word2Vec Conquered NLP – Yves Peirsman
- Q/A System — Deep learning(2/2) – Becoming Human – Medium
- A Brief History of CNNs in Image Segmentation: From R-CNN to Mask R-CNN
- Face recognition with Keras and OpenCV – Above Intelligent (AI)
- A16Z AI Playbook
- Neural Text Embeddings for Information Retrieval (WSDM 2017)
- A list of artificial intelligence tools you can use today — for personal use (1/3)
- Research Blog: The Machine Intelligence Behind Gboard
- paraphrase-id-tensorflow/ at master · nelson-liu/paraphrase-id-tensorflow
- NeuroNER/ at master · Franck-Dernoncourt/NeuroNER
- Generative Adversarial Networks for Beginners - O'Reilly Media
- Neural Translation of Musical Style
- Deep-Learning-Papers-Reading-Roadmap/ at master · songrotek/Deep-Learning-Papers-Reading-Roadmap
- AI Progress Measurement | Electronic Frontier Foundation
- How to Visualize Your Recurrent Neural Network with Attention in Keras
- Deep adversarial learning is finally ready 🚀 and will radically change the game
- Franck-Dernoncourt/NeuroNER: Named-entity recognition using neural networks. Easy-to-use and state-of-the-art results.
- Serving Tensorflow
- How To Install and Use Docker on Ubuntu 16.04 | DigitalOcean
- Jupyter + Tensorflow + Nvidia GPU + Docker + Google Compute Engine
- TensorForce: A TensorFlow library for applied reinforcement learning -
- Exploring LSTMs
- Perform sentiment analysis with LSTMs, using TensorFlow - O'Reilly Media
- Robust Adversarial Examples
- Learning to Learn – The Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Blog
- My Curated List of AI and Machine Learning Resources from Around the Web
- goodrahstar/headlines: Automatically generate headlines to short articles
- Deep Learning for NLP Best Practices
- facebookresearch/DrQA: Reading Wikipedia to Answer Open-Domain Questions
- Q/A System — Deep learning(2/2) – Becoming Human
- Contextual Chatbots with Tensorflow – Chatbots Magazine
- Text-Clustering-API/ at master · vivekkalyanarangan30/Text-Clustering-API
- tensorflow/nmt: TensorFlow Neural Machine Translation Tutorial
- Cutting Edge Deep Learning for Coders—Launching Deep Learning Part 2 ·
- facebookresearch/end-to-end-negotiator: Deal or No Deal? End-to-End Learning for Negotiation Dialogues
- examples/ at master · pytorch/examples
- BotCube/awesome-bots: A curated awesome list of resources from the bots/AI world by BotCube team. Join our newsletter to get five epic actionable bot tricks delivered to your inbox once a week! 🤖 ❤️
- Thushv » Word2Vec (Part 1): NLP With Deep Learning with Tensorflow (Skip-gram)
- Tensorflow-Programs-and-Tutorials/Question Pair Classification with RNNs.ipynb at master · adeshpande3/Tensorflow-Programs-and-Tutorials
- Intro Deep Learning for Chatbots, Part 2 | Open Data Science
- Named Entity Recognition and the Road to Deep Learning
- Building Convolutional Neural Networks with Tensorflow – Ahmet Taspinar
- Visualising Activation Functions in Neural Networks -
- Deep RL Bootcamp - Lectures
- Tensorflow Text Classification - Python Deep Learning - Source Dexter
- my-deity/COMPRESSION_CUM_CLASSIFICATION_v_2.ipynb at master · akanimax/my-deity
- “TensorBoard - Visualize your learning.”
- Cyborg Writer
- Data For Everyone Library | CrowdFlower
- loretoparisi/CapsNet: CapsNet (Capsules Net) in Geoffrey E Hinton paper "Dynamic Routing Between Capsules"
- TFX: A TensorFlow-based production scale machine learning platform | the morning paper
- Flair of Machine Learning
- Recurrent-Highway-Hypernetworks-NIPS/ at master · jsuarez5341/Recurrent-Highway-Hypernetworks-NIPS · GitHub
- Using Artificial Intelligence to Augment Human Intelligence
- Learning from Imbalanced Classes - Silicon Valley Data Science
- Regular Expressions for Data Scientists
- Google Developers Blog: Introducing TensorFlow Feature Columns
- bharathgs/Awesome-pytorch-list: A comprehensive list of pytorch related content on github,such as different models,implementations,helper libraries,tutorials etc.
- Gaussian Processes – EFavDB
- Neural Smithing
- Hooks Data says…
- Introduction to Various Reinforcement Learning Algorithms. Part I (Q-Learning, SARSA, DQN, DDPG)
- Introduction to Python Ensembles
- Data Science Summit 2018
- facebookresearch/Detectron · GitHub
- GitHub - openai/gradient-checkpointing: Make huge neural nets fit in memory
- Deep-Learning/Skip-Grams-Solution.ipynb at master · priya-dwivedi/Deep-Learning · GitHub
- Recurrent Neural Networks for Drawing Classification | TensorFlow
- 2017 news -
- How neural networks are trained
- GitHub - huseinzol05/Emotion-Classification-Comparison: Classification comparison between various models and learning on emotion datasets
- mil-tokyo/webdnn: The Fastest DNN Running Framework on Web Browser
- Beautiful.AI - AI Powered Presentations
- Stanford DAWN Deep Learning Benchmark (DAWNBench) ·
- Introduction to Learning to Trade with Reinforcement Learning – WildML
- Play with Kubernetes
- Deep Reinforcement Learning Doesn't Work Yet
- Release 0.5.0 · PAIR-code/deeplearnjs · GitHub
- Teaching RL
- Introducing the Uber AI Residency
- The Matrix Calculus You Need For Deep Learning
- The Matrix Calculus You Need For Deep Learning
Have anything in mind that you think is awesome and would fit in this list? Feel free to send a pull request.
To the extent possible under law, Rahul Kumar has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.