- Python 3
- Tkinter (GUI)
- Pygame (audio)
The visualizer currently supports all these sorting algorithms,
- Bubble sort
- Insertion sort
- Selection sort
- Gnome sort
- Shaker sort
- Odd even sort
- Dutch national flag algorithm (DNF sort)
- Sorts list of random numbers by six sorting algorithms.
- Visualizes the sorting processes using bar graphs.
- Speed up or reduce animation speed to view the sorting process.
- Generate new array of random number containing random numbers between custom minimum and custom maximum value anywhere between 10 to 600.
- Shuffle the numbers, thereby shuffling the bars in visualizer.
- Customize bar color in visualizer to any color.
- Customize background color in visualizer to any color.
- Calculates and displays the total seconds to complete every sorting process.
- Sound to enhance the visualizer experience with its speed.
Sorted bars
Customized bar and background color
- Pycharm
- PyInstaller
MIT License