Maven repo importer for repsy
This small script helps importing an external repository into repsy. Please fill the variables section in the script first.
# external maven repo ##########################################################
# Fix the URL (Do NOT forget trailing slash)
maven_repo_link = ''
maven_repo_username = '' # keep empty string if repo is public
maven_repo_password = ''
# repsy repo ###################################################################
# Fix the URL (Do NOT forget trailing slash)
repsy_repo_link = ''
repsy_repo_username = 'fixme'
repsy_repo_password = 'fixme'
then you can start the migration:
python3 ./
The other script sends a local directory or a local repo to the repsy servers. Please fill the variables section in the script first.
# external maven repo ##########################################################
# Fix the URL (Do NOT forget trailing slash)
maven_repo_link = ''
maven_repo_username = '' # keep empty string if repo is public
maven_repo_password = ''
# repsy repo ###################################################################
# Fix the URL (Do NOT forget trailing slash)
repsy_repo_link = ''
repsy_repo_username = 'fixme'
repsy_repo_password = 'fixme'
then you can start the migration:
python3 ./