A distributed datastore orchestration system.
Our aim is to build a thriving, healthy and diverse community.
To help us get there we decided to adopt the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
for all our projects.
Any issue should be reported to stefano-pogliani
by emailing conduct@replicante.io.
Unfortunately, as the community lucks members, we are unable to provide a second contact to report
incidents to.
We would still encourage people to report issues, even anonymously.
In addition to the Code Of Conduct the following documents are relevant:
- The Reporting Guideline, especially if you wish to report an incident.
- The Enforcement Guideline
Rust offers features to conditionally code, logic and options into the final build.
In Replicante Core features are used to choose what to include with regards to things like:
- Backend implementations: such as stores, messaging platform, etc ... (WIP)
- Built-in orchestrator actions.
- Experimental or advanced features.
A naming convention for features is defined here to ensure consistency: $namespace-$feature
: logical grouping of features (for exampleaction
: the exact feature (for exampledebug
[actions] ormongo
[store backend]).
The characters allowed in features name are restricted by rust and even more by <crates.io>: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/features.html#the-features-section
As such the following two special characters should be the only one in use:
as the separator between$namespace
as the world separator within each of$namespace
Replicante Core requires a few dependencies in order to run.
To make development easier and faster these dependencies are run locally using containers.
Replicante Core uses podman to manage these containers.
This is mainly due to podman's support for cgroups v2 and rootless containers.
An opinionated development tool built on top of many generic projects is also available.
This is replidev
, located in devtools/replidev
, and is written in rust.
As mentioned, it will require some additional tools to work:
It can be complied and installed in $HOME/bin/replidev
cargo install --path devtools/replidev
Once installed, the Replicante Core development environment can be set up with:
# Start the essential dependences (kafka, mongo, zookeeper)
# as well as an NGINX server for static content (includes an "useful links" page).
$ replidev deps start essential
--> Create pod replideps-essential
--> Start container replideps-essential-zookeeper
--> Start container replideps-essential-nginx
--> Start container replideps-essential-mongo
--> Start container replideps-essential-kafka
# Once the command completes you can get the above mentioned links at
# http://localhost:8080/
# When dependences start without any data, some initialisation may be required.
$ replidev deps initialise essential
--> Initialise essential/mongo from replideps-essential-mongo
==> Checking (and initialising) mongo replica set ...
MongoDB shell version v4.2.3
connecting to: mongodb://
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("9d957838-7984-4d98-b667-e3b9937fb0d5") }
MongoDB server version: 4.2.3
---> Replica Set initialised, nothing to do
==> Ensuring all mongo indexes exist ...
MongoDB shell version v4.2.3
connecting to: mongodb://
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("f72c6214-59c1-4066-baf6-78c19d61606d") }
MongoDB server version: 4.2.3
# Dependencies can be stopped, and containers removed with
$ replidev deps stop essential
--> Stop pod replideps-essential
--> Remove pod replideps-essential
# Once the pods have been stopped, persisted data can be PERMANENTLY deleted with
$ replidev deps clean essential --confirm
--> Clean data for essential pod (from ./devtools/data/essential)
# Additional development dependences and tools:
$ replidev deps list
essential - - devtools/deps/podman/essential.yaml
grafana - - devtools/deps/podman/grafana.yaml
jaeger - - devtools/deps/podman/jaeger.yaml
prometheus - - devtools/deps/podman/prometheus.yaml
sentry - - devtools/deps/podman/sentry.yaml
uis - - devtools/deps/podman/uis.yaml
- clang: for rdkafka
- cmake
- openssl-devel
Playgrounds are docker and docker-compose projects that run distributed datastores locally so that replicante can be developed and tested.
They moved to a dedicated repo: https://github.com/replicante-io/playgrounds
The code is documented with rustdoc
even for private methods.
This helps existing and new developers keep a handle on the codebase.
Use the following command from the root of the repo to generate the documentation:
cargo rustdoc -- --document-private-items
Architectural nodes, implementation details, suggestions, proposals and more.
The developers notebook is a collection of documents aimed at present and future project developers as well as advanced users that want to know more about Replicante internals. It is also a place to jot down ideas for the future or potential changes that may be needed/useful some day but are not quite yet.
You can scan the code for TODO
s, etcetera with fixme
npm install fixme
node_modules/.bin/fixme -i 'devtools/**' -i 'node_modules/**' -i 'target/**' '**/*.rs'
rm -r node_modules package-lock.json