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A ruby wrapper for service.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'uploadcare-ruby'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself:

$ gem install uploadcare-ruby



Just create an API object - and you're good to go.

require 'uploadcare'

@api = #with default settings

@api =

Default settings

    public_key: 'demopublickey',
    private_key: 'demoprivatekey',
    upload_url_base: '',
    api_url_base: '',
    static_url_base: '',
    api_version: '0.3',
    cache_files: true,

Upload API requires public key and REST API requires both public and private keys for authentication.
You can find and manage your project's API keys on project's overview page. Open dashboard, click on the project's name and find "Keys" section.
If you haven't found what you were looking for in these docs, try looking in our Knowledge Base.



Raw API is a simple interface that allows you to make custom requests to Uploadcare REST API. Just in case you want some low-level control over your app.

# any request
@api.request :get, "/files/", {page: 2}

# you also have the shortcuts for methods
@api.get '/files', {page: 2} ...

@api.put ...

@api.delete ...

All raw API methods return parsed JSON response or raise an error (which you should handle yourself).


Basic usage

Using Uploadcare is pretty easy (which is the essence of the service itself).

Create the API object:

@api =

Upload file

@file_to_upload ="your-file.png")

@uc_file = @api.upload(@file_to_upload)
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::File ...

Use file

# file uuid (you probably want to store it somewhere)
# => "c969be02-9925-4a7e-aa6d-b0730368791c"

# url for the file - just paste in your template and you good to go.
# => ""

Store or delete file

# store file (if you dont use autostore option)
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::File ...

# and delete file
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::File ...


You can upload either File object (array of files will also cut it) or custom URL.

Uploading from URL

Just throw your URL into API - and you're good to go.

# smart upload
@file  = @api.upload "http://your.awesome/avatar.jpg" 
# =>  #<Uploadcare::Api::File ...

# explicitly upload from URL
@file = @api.upload_from_url "http://your.awesome/avatar.jpg" 
# =>  #<Uploadcare::Api::File ...

Keep in mind that invalid URL will raise an ArgumentError.

Uploading a single file

Like with URL - just start throwing your file into API

file ="path/to/your/file.png")

@uc_file  = @api.upload file
# =>  #<Uploadcare::Api::File ...

And that's it.

Uploading an array of files

Uploading of an array is just as easy as uploading a single file. Note, that every object in array must be an instance of File.

file1 ="path/to/your/file.png")
file2 ="path/to/your/another-file.png")
files = [file1, file2]

@uc_files = @api.upload files
# => [#<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="24626d2f-3f23-4464-b190-37115ce7742a">,
#     #<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="7bb9efa4-05c0-4f36-b0ef-11a4221867f6">]

It is returning you an array of Uploadcare files.

# => #<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="24626d2f-3f23-4464-b190-37115ce7742a">

# => #<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="7bb9efa4-05c0-4f36-b0ef-11a4221867f6", original_file_url="", image_info={"width"=>800, "geo_location"=>nil, "datetime_original"=>nil, "height"=>600}, ....>


File - is the primary object for Uploadcare API. Basically it's an avatar for file stored for you ). So all the operations you do - you do it with the file object.

@file_to_upload ="your-file.png")

@uc_file = @api.upload(@file_to_upload)
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::File ...

# => "c969be02-9925-4a7e-aa6d-b0730368791c"

# => ""

There is one issue with files - all data associated with it accesible with separate HTTP request only. So if don't specificaly need image data (like file name, geolocation data etc.) - you could just use :uuid and :cdn_url methods for file output:

<img src="#{@file.cdn_url}"/>

And that's it. Saves precious loading time.

If you do however need image data - you could do it manualy:


Then your file object will respond to any method, described in API documentation (it basicaly an OpenStruct, so you know what to do):

# => "logo.png"

# => {"width"=>397, "geo_location"=>nil, "datetime_original"=>nil, "height"=>81}

You could read more:

Generating files from stored info

At this point you probably store your files UUIDs or CDN urls in some kind of storage. Then you can create file object by passing them into API:

# file by UUID
@file = @api.file "c969be02-9925-4a7e-aa6d-b0730368791c"
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="7bb9efa4-05c0-4f36-b0ef-11a4221867f6"

# file by CDN url
@file = @api.file ""
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="7bb9efa4-05c0-4f36-b0ef-11a4221867f6"

# not that generated files aren't loaded by initializing, you need to load it.
# => false


Uploadcare gives you some awesome CDN operations for croping, resizing, rotation, format convertation etc. You could read more at . Version 1.0.0 of the gem has no specific methods for this kind of operations, we expect to add support for it later in 1.1 releases. For the moment all your file objects can store operations passed by cdn url:

@file = @api.file ""
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="a8775cf7-0c2c-44fa-b071-4dd48637ecac"

# => ["crop/150x150/center", "format/png"]

# note that by default :cdn_url method will return url without any operations:
# => """

# you can pass true to :cdn_url methods to get url with included operations:
# => ""

# or call specific methods for url with or without them:

Until operations wrapper is released the best way for you to manage operation is simply add them to URL as a string:

<img src="#{file.cdn_url}-/crop/#{width}x#{height}/center/"/>
# or something like that

File list and pagination

File list is a paginated collection of files for you project. You could read more at In our gem file list is a single page containing 20 (by default, value may change) files and some methods for navigating through pages.

@list = @api.file_list 1 #page number, 1 by default
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::FileList ....

# method :resulst will return you an array of files
# => [#<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="24626d2f-3f23-4464-b190-37115ce7742a" ...>,
#       ... 20 of them ...
#     #<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="7bb9efa4-05c0-4f36-b0ef-11a4221867f6" ...>]

# note that every file is already loaded
# => true

# there is also shortcuts for you
# => [#<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="24626d2f-3f23-4464-b190-37115ce7742a" ...>,
#       ... 20 of them ...
#     #<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="7bb9efa4-05c0-4f36-b0ef-11a4221867f6" ...>]

# => #<Uploadcare::Api::File ....

And don't forget that you can navigate throught pages:

@list = @api.files_list 3

# => #<Uploadcare::Api::FileList page=4 ....

# => #<Uploadcare::Api::FileList page=2 ....

@list.go_to 5
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::FileList page=5 ....

# there is also methods described in API docs avaliable for you:
# total pages
# => 16

# current page
# => 3

# files per page
# => 20

# total files in project
# => 308


Project provides basic information about the connecting project. Project object is basicly openstruct so every method described in API docs accessible to you:

project = @api.project
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::Project collaborators=[], name="demo", pub_key="demopublickey", autostore_enabled=true>
# => "demo"

# => []
# more often it should look like
# [{"email":, "name": "Collaborator"}, {"email":, "name": "Collaborator"}]

Groups of files

Groups of files - Stores files as group by the single UUID. Note that UUID has a ~#{files_count} part at the end and it is required by API to work properly.

# group can be created eather by array of Uploadcare Files:
@files_ary = [@file, @file2]
@files = @api.upload @files_ary
@group = @api.create_group @files
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::Group uuid="0d192d66-c7a6-4465-b2cd-46716c5e3df3~2", files_count=2 ...

# or by array of strings containing UUIDs
@uuids_ary = ["c969be02-9925-4a7e-aa6d-b0730368791c", "c969be02-9925-4a7e-aa6d-b0730368791c"]
@group = @api.create_group @uuids_ary
# => #<Uploadcare::Api::Group uuid="0d192d66-c7a6-4465-b2cd-46716c5e3df3~2", files_count=2 ...

# you can also create group object just by passing group UUID
@group_uloaded = "#{uuid}"

As with files, group created by passing just the UUID is not loaded by default - you need to load data manually, as it requires separate HTTP GET request. New groups created by :create_group method is loaded by default.

@group = "#{uuid}"

# => false

# => #<Uploadcare::Api::Group uuid="0d192d66-c7a6-4465-b2cd-46716c5e3df3~2", files_count=2 ...

# loaded group has methods described by API docs and more importantly an array of files
# this files are loaded by default.
# => [#<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="24626d2f-3f23-4464-b190-37115ce7742a" ...>,
#       ... #{files_count} of them ...
#     #<Uploadcare::Api::File uuid="7bb9efa4-05c0-4f36-b0ef-11a4221867f6" ...>]

Errors handling

From version 1.0.2 we have a custom exceptions which will raise when Uploadcare service return something with 4xx or 5xx HTTP status.

List of custom errors:

400 => Uploadcare::Error::RequestError::BadRequest,
401 => Uploadcare::Error::RequestError::Unauthorized,
403 => Uploadcare::Error::RequestError::Forbidden,
404 => Uploadcare::Error::RequestError::NotFound,
406 => Uploadcare::Error::RequestError::NotAcceptable,
408 => Uploadcare::Error::RequestError::RequestTimeout,
422 => Uploadcare::Error::RequestError::UnprocessableEntity,
429 => Uploadcare::Error::RequestError::TooManyRequests,
500 => Uploadcare::Error::ServerError::InternalServerError,
502 => Uploadcare::Error::ServerError::BadGateway,
503 => Uploadcare::Error::ServerError::ServiceUnavailable,
504 => Uploadcare::Error::ServerError::GatewayTimeout

so now you could escape particular error (in that case 404: Not Found error):

  @connection.send :get, '/random_url/', {}
rescue Uploadcare::Error::RequestError::NotFound => e

... any request error (covers all 4xx status codes):

  @connection.send :get, '/random_url/', {}
rescue Uploadcare::Error::RequestError => e

...and actually any Uploadcare service errors:

  @connection.send :get, '/random_url/', {}
rescue Uploadcare::Error => e

Please note what almost all actions depends on Uploadcare servers and it will be wise of you to expect that servers will return error code (at least some times).


Run bundle exec rspec.

To run tests with your own keys, make a spec/config.yml file like this:

public_key: 'PUBLIC KEY'
private_key: 'PRIVATE KEY'


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ruby wrapper for Uploadcare API







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