Disclaimer: this is a bot using the wokcommands npm package from Worn Off Keys to make this bot, you can join his Discord Server. If you are new to Discord.js and JavaScript in general, then you will have some difficulties setting up this bot. To undertand what is happening you need a decent basic knoledge about Javascrip and how Disocrd bots work in general. This bot already has some commands and features. If you have any question DM on Discord: Yuuki#0220
This bot is using various npm packages, you need to download them to be able to use the bot. It is also using a MongoDB database and it is heavily recommended to create one to avoid any problem.
Type npm i
to download all the bot's packages.
Create a .evn
file and add your bot token and your mongodb path following this format.
As I said before, this code is using the wokcommands package so to create a command, go to the "commands" folder and inside there you can create all you commands with the following structure:
module.exports = {
ownerOnly: true, // Owner only command (Boolean) - Optional
guildOnly: true, // Guild only command (Boolean) - Optional
testOnly: true, // Test servers only command (Boolean) - Optional
name: 'ping', // Name of the command (String)- Optional
commands: ['runping'], // Execute name of the command (String/Array)- Optional
aliases: ['p'], // Aliases of the command (String/Array) - Optional
description: 'Replies with pong', // Description of the command (String)
requiredPermissions: ['ADMINISTRATOR'], // User's required permissions to run the command (Array) - Optional
cooldown: '5s', // Per user cooldown of the command (s-seconds m-minutes h-hours) - Optional
//globalCooldown: '60s', // Per server cooldown of the command (minimum 60s) - Optional
category: 'Misc', // Category of the command (String)
minArgs: 0, // Minimun arguments of the command - Optional
maxArgs: 0, // Maxmimum arguments of the command (Infinite = -1) - Optional
syntaxError: 'Incorrect syntax! Use `{PREFIX}ping`', // Syntax Error of the command - Optional
expectedArgs: "<Target user's @>", //Expected arguments of the command - Optional (reccommended)
callback: async ({ message, args, text, client, prefix, instance }) => {
Read the wokcommands full documentation for more detailed information.
You need to go to the "features" folder and inside that folder you can create all of your events following the structure:
module.exports = (client, instance) => {
console.log('Hello world!')
module.exports.config = { // Optional
displayName: 'Test', // Can be changed any time
dbName: 'TEST', // Should be unique and NEVER be changed once set
loadDBFirst: true, // Wait for the database connection to be present
Read the wokcommands full documentation for more detailed information.
To be the bot owner you need your discord ID, to get it go to your discord settings and on the appereance tab activate developer mode.
After activating developermode copy your ID by rightclicking your user and clicking on "Copy ID".
Then go to your index.js
file and paste your id on the .setBotOwner
.setBotOwner([' '])
Copy your discord test server id and go to the index.js file and paste that id on the testServers: [''],
new WOKCommands(client, {
commandsDir: 'commands',
featureDir: 'features',
messagesPath: 'messages.json',
showWarns: true,
testServers: [''], // <--
Thanks to Worn Off Keys for teaching me how to code and making it open source to make it easier to code. Full credits to https://waifu.pics letting me use their API.