Cross platform application built with help of Electron framework for the League of Legends build manager. Currently only works in OSX.
First things first, get yourself a League of Legends API key from
# install all dependencies
npm install
# gulp watch that listen to file changes
# in a another terminal tab to run the app without building and
# packaging the application
npm run start-app
But seriously, due to the tight time constraints for now there aren't any tests. Already feeling the pain of not having them.
# for building the application on OSX you need to have brew
# and through it install Wine, it is needed for Windows build
brew install wine
# it is very likely the installation for it will fail and you will be
# prompt to install xquartz, install it and then try again Wine
# it will take some time
brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz
API_KEY="<YOUR_API_KEY>" npm run package