In essence, Matrix+ is a wrapper class functor in MatLab designed to greatly enhance the functionality of its native matrices. By incorporating ready to use algorithms and refining existing functions, Matrix+ is more efficient and intuitive, and helps improve performance under timed conditions such as exams.
Eg) Performing 3 row operations, then finding it's Least
Square solution for b:
// Normal MatLab
>> A(2, :) = A(2, :) - 4*A(1, :); % R2 -> R2 + 4R1
>> A(3, :) = 3 * A(3, :) % R3 -> 3*R3
>> A([1,2], :) = A([2,1],:) % R2 <-> R1
>> null([A'*A A'*b])
// Matrix+ Implementation
>> A.rowOp("R2 += 4R1") % easily chain functions!
.rowOp("R3 *= 3")
.rowOp("R2 <-> R1")
The key design principles of Matrix+ are to
(1) Make code easy to read and interpret with function chaining,
(2) Cut down implementation time for functions,
(3) Provide a instant answer with workings whenever possible.
Matrix+ was made over the course of AY23/24 S1 for use in the NUS mod MA1522: Linear Algebra for Computing. Use at your own discretion!
Read the User Guide on how to use Matrix+ in irl contexts with past year exam questions.
Matrix+ should be compatible with any device so long the MatLab version >= R2023a
The folder containing the scripts should be placed in the MATLAB directory.
For Windows users, this is at
Read the User Guide!
Alternatively, do
I made this for fun after learning OOP/FP in CS2030s, but realised it was actually a pretty powerful tool, especially due to the ability to chain functions, which allows you to maintain easily readible and highly flexible code in an exam scenario. Main issues faced were in adapting to the MatLab syntax for OOP, as well as in exception handling for the various rubbish people could throw into the arguments. Areas to improve in are mostly in exception handling and greater flexibility/integration between the Matrix+ wrapper as well as vanilla MatLab matrices.
Feel free to email me about any bugs/improvements to be made!
Also star my repo, even if it didnt help you or you don't like it; i need more stars.