lein deps
To use sumo with another project, add [sumo "0.2.0"]
to your project.clj
(require '[sumo.client :as sumo]
'[clojure.pprint :as pp])
;; connect with the protocol buffers
;; client
(def client (sumo/connect-pb))
;; three examples of how to connect
;; with HTTP
(sumo/connect-http "http://prod0.example.com:8098/riak")
(sumo/connect-http "" 8098)
;; the last param is the HTTP path that all riak
;; requests start with. You might have your proxy
;; change this, for example.
(sumo/connect-http "" 8098 "riak")
(sumo/ping client)
;; => true
(sumo/put client "bucket" "key" {:value "hello, sumo!"})
;; => nil
;; sumo will default to "application/json" content-type and serialization
;; you can override this by setting it in the object hash-map
(sumo/put client "bucket" "key" {:content-type "text/plain"
:value "hello, sumo!"})
;; => nil
;; returns a lazy-seq of hash-maps
(pp/pprint (sumo/get client "bucket" "key"))
;; => ({:value "hello, sumo!",
;; :metadata {},
;; :last-modified #<Date Sun Dec 18 20:40:03 CST 2011>,
;; :vtag "6YWpgJW8WpnKlNTOeOxKZf",
;; :content-type "application/json",
;; :vector-clock
;; #<BasicVClock com.basho.riak.client.cap.BasicVClock@50aec4>})
;; you can also pass an options hash-map into requests
;; for example, to use an R value of 2 and only return the object metadata
(sumo/get client "bucket" "key" {:r 2 :head true}))
;; or to use a W value of 3 and return a lazy-seq of hash-maps just like sumo/get
(sumo/put client "bucket" "key" {:value "hey there"}
{:w 3 :return-body true})
;; you can store secondary indexes by adding an :indexes hash-map containing
;; keywords as keys and sets as values to your object
(sumo/put client "bucket" "key" {:value {:name "John" :email "john@example.com"}
:indexes {:email #{"john@example.com"}})
;; querying secondary indexes is supported as well
(sumo/index-query client "bucket" :email "john@example.com")
; search for a range of strings
(sumo/index-query client "bucket" :email ["i" "k"])
; or of integers
(sumo/index-query client "bucket" :age [21 80])
;; Here is an example of sumo's map-reduce support,
;; it follows the data from this example from the
;; Riak wiki, http://wiki.basho.com/MapReduce.html#HTTP-Example
(require '[sumo.mr-helpers :as mr-helpers])
(def query {"inputs" [["alice" "p1"] ["alice" "p2"] ["alice" "p5"]]
"query" [(mr-helpers/map-js "function(v) {return [1]}")
(mr-helpers/reduce-erlang "riak_kv_mapreduce" "reduce_sum")]})
;; the query parameter to the map-reduce
;; call is a data structure that will be
;; json-encoded and used for the query.
;; Read through http://wiki.basho.com/MapReduce.html
;; for more examples of how to use map-reduce with Riak
(sumo/map-reduce client query)
sumo currently supports key/value access, secondary indexes and map-reduce. The following is a TODO list of sorts along with some ideas for a higher level interface.
- multi-client connections
- http connections (sumo is currently just protocol buffers)
- links
- search
These are just some ideas we've been playing around with for how the high-level API might look:
Apply a series of forms to whatever
value is currently stored at bucket
, key
;; Apply a form to the
;; current value at `key`,
;; and resave. Similar to Mutations
;; in the Java client
(send-riak "bucket" "key"
;; your form will be called
;; threading in the obj
;; as the second value,
;; much like (-> obj (..) (..))
(assoc-in [:value] inc))
The next idea is an ODM of sorts that supports automatic conflict-resolution of your domain objects but letting you construct them from knockbox data types.
(defbox Account
;; the second item in the
;; list is a type or protocol
;; to restrict the value to
(:name LWWRegister :required true)
(:address LWWRegister :required true)
;; specify a default value for this field,
;; in this case, the result of calling the
;; function `lww-set`
(:followers ObservedRemoveSet :default (lww-set)))
(def person (Account.))
(-> person
;; add :bar to the followers list
(update-in [:followers] conj :bar)
;; set the name
(assoc-in [:name] "Reid")
;; set the address
(assoc-in [:address] "27 Lexington Ave"))
Copyright (c) 2011 Basho Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Sumo is released under the Apache 2 License. See LICENSE file for more information.