Program name: babyQuery.c Author: Rehan Nagoor Mohideen
Description of babyQuery program: The program stores information of data on popular baby names over the decades 1880-2010 and allows the the user to search for rank information, find a name and view information or see top ten information regarding the 200 most popular baby names in that decade.
Compilation: make babyQuery To run the program: ./babyQuery
For inputing the year: 'year' Where 'year' is replaced with the year you want to look at from 1880 to 2010. input should only be in integers of one year eg: 1880
All input for suitable questions should be made in their suitable formats. The program does not take input of other formats.
For rank: The user can input the number from 1-200 only, to view the data of either male or female or both regarding that particular rank. For search: The user can input a name they would like to see the information for. It is case sensitive so typing a name starting with a lower case letter will display no data. no integers or special characaters should be given as input. For top: Displays the top 10 popular baby names of that decade.
Description of babiesQuery program: The program stores information of data on popular baby names over the decades 1880-2010 and allows the the user to search for rank information, find a name and view information or see top ten information regarding the 200 most popular baby names in that decade for 2 different decades.
Compilation: make babiesQuery To run the program: ./babiesQuery
For inputing the year: 'year' 'year' Where 'year' is replaced with the decade you want to look at from 1880 to 2010. input should only be in integers of the year (length 4 digits each) eg: 1880 1890 both the years should not be the same and should be seperated by a space.
All input for suitable questions should be made in their suitable formats. or The program may not work as intended.
For rank: The user can input the number from 1-200 only, to view the data of either male or female or both regarding that particular rank for both the decades inputed previously. For search: The user can input a name they would like to see the information for. It is case sensitive so typing a name starting with a lower case letter will display no data. no integers or special characaters should be given as input. Searches for the name of both decades. For top: Displays the names that are in the top ten baby names that appear in both of the decades(years) initially inputed.