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Closed Feb 29, 2016 100% complete
  1. r-component for dynamic component <r-component is={componentName} props.... />
  2. if Express is const, now regularjs will pass a value but not a Expression like in previous version. value = {1} , 1 will pass to directive.
  3. $watch now accepet function for watch complex value
  4. #list now support altnate syntax ( {#list list as item} {item.content} {#else} list i…
  1. r-component for dynamic component <r-component is={componentName} props.... />
  2. if Express is const, now regularjs will pass a value but not a Expression like in previous version. value = {1} , 1 will pass to directive.
  3. $watch now accepet function for watch complex value
  4. #list now support altnate syntax ( {#list list as item} {item.content} {#else} list is not exsits {/list})
  5. each loop is track by index, performance is awesome now (
  6. r-class r-style will automately add '{}' for you if you pass a String and missed '{}' for object literal ( "left: left + 'px'" is valid now)
  7. all bug issues will be resolved

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