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Releases: refkinscallv/cookie


20 Nov 09:48
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24 Aug 19:37
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Fix Bug

  • Conditioning the use of encryption


18 Aug 09:37
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refkinscallv/cookie is a PHP package for managing cookies with optional encryption support. It integrates with the refkinscallv/crypto package to provide encrypted cookie handling.


To install the package, use Composer:

composer require refkinscallv/cookie


Before using the Cookie class, ensure you have the refkinscallv/crypto package installed as it provides the encryption functionality. For details on configuring cookieEncrypt, refer to the crypto documentation.


Basic Example


    use RF\Cookie\Cookie;

    require "../vendor/autoload.php";

    $cookie = new Cookie([
        'cookieName' => 'myCookie',
        'cookieExpires' => 24, // Cookie expiration in hours
        'cookiePath' => '/',
        'cookieDomain' => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],
        'cookieSecure' => false, // Set to true if using HTTPS
        'cookieHttpOnly' => true,
        /* Optional */
        // 'cookieEncrypt' => [
        //     "encryptKey" => "your-secret-key",
        //     "encryptCipher" => "AES-256-CBC",
        //     "encryptStoreMethod" => "local",
        //     "encryptFile" => "/path/to/encrypt.txt"
        // ]
    // Set a cookie value
    $cookie->set('key', 'value');
    // Get a cookie value
    $value = $cookie->get('key');
    // Retrieve all cookie data
    $allData = $cookie->all();
    // Unset a cookie value
    // Destroy the cookie

Class Methods

__construct(array $args = [])

Initializes the Cookie instance with configuration options.

  • cookieName (string, required): The name of the cookie.
  • cookieExpires (int, optional): Expiration time in hours (default: 24).
  • cookiePath (string, optional): Path on the server where the cookie will be available (default: /).
  • cookieDomain (string, optional): Domain of the cookie (default: current server name).
  • cookieSecure (bool, optional): Indicates if the cookie should only be sent over HTTPS (default: false).
  • cookieHttpOnly (bool, optional): Indicates if the cookie is accessible only through the HTTP protocol (default: true).
  • cookieEncrypt (array, optional): Encryption settings for the cookie data. crypto documentation.

all(): array

Retrieves all encrypted cookie data as an array.

get(string $value)

Retrieves a specific value from the decrypted cookie data.

set($key, $value = null): bool

Sets encrypted cookie data. Accepts an associative array or a single key-value pair.

unset($key = null): bool

Unsets encrypted cookie data. Accepts a single key or an array of keys.


Destroys the cookie by setting its expiration time to the past.


  • Ensure you handle encryption keys and settings securely.
  • This package requires the refkinscallv/crypto package for encryption functionality. Refer to its documentation for configuration details.

For further assistance, please refer to the crypto documentation or open an issue on the package's repository.