CQRS Ninja is a boilerplate solution, built to demonstrate implementing Command Query Responsibility Segregation - CQRS in ASP.NET Core (.NET 6) via MediatR.
CQRS stands for Command Query Responsibility Segregation. It is an Architectural Design Pattern that advocates segregating or grouping the methods based on how they impact the data and design them separately according to their requirements. CQRS helps segregate functionalities into two different models - Commands and Queries, there by creating a clear separation of concerns for each functionality.
- ASP.NET Core (.NET 6)
- Entity Framework Core (EFCore 6)
- MediatR for .NET 6
- Fluent Validation for .NET 6
- SQLite
This boilerplate is a perfect starter for developers looking to implement CQRS. It also helps beginners better understand the concept of CQRS and how its implemented, while keeping the code simple.
- Clean Architecture with well-defined layers for API, Persistence, Core, Contracts and Migrations
- Implemented UnitOfWork with Generic Repository
- Preconfigured Entity Framework Core migrations with SQLite
- Segregated Commands and Queries with their Handlers
- Fluent Validation on the input model within the Command classes
- Preconfigured Swagger UI
To get started, follow the below steps:
- Install .NET 6 SDK
- Clone the Solution into your Local Directory
- Navigate to the CqrsNinja.API directory
- Run the solution
Read the complete article to learn more:
Implementing CQRS using Mediator in ASP.NET Core
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