Multiple ways how to run a dockerized jenkins
v1 Standalone jenkins, at path /jenkins
v2 v1 + install plugins from configuration file plugins.txt
v3 v2 + added configuration-as-code (casc) plugin with environment variable for config file finding
v4 v3 + build agent configuration via casc (Mac mini in local network)
v5 v4 + create initial seed job via job-dsl from casc and load job/pipeline definition from Jenkinsfile from remote repo and build a hello world app on build agent mac mini
v6 (being worked on) v5 + add a linux build agent on the mac mini in vagrant
v (TBD) v + add a windows build agent with wine in linux on vagrant
v (TBD) v + load job/pipeline definition from config file and build/test/package a complex app on build agent
v (TBD) v + remove initial unlock screen and plugin configuration page at initial jenkins start
ideas for the future
v (usable for a development machine or maybe small scale production?) v + deployed custom app, using vault credential manager
v (for big scale production?) v + deployed custom app, via kubernetes on gce