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  • This is a simple structure of an AngularJS application. This project is integrated with Webpack for files bundling & live reload.

  • Language supported :

    • ES2015, ES6 (using babel-loader).
    • Sass (using scss-loader)
  • Polyfill:

    • bluebird for Promise.

Online demo can be found here:

Project structure.

+-- src
+-- app
|   +-- assets
|   +-- constants
|   +-- directives
|   +-- modules
|   +-- app.scss
|   +-- app.js
+-- index.html (Index file)

Structure description.

  • assets : Static files (such as: *.css, *.json, ...) should be stored in this folder.
  • constants: Appliation constant files should be stored in this folder (such as: app-settings.constant.js, urlStates.constant.js, ...). Naming convention: *.constants.js.
  • directives: Application directives should be stored in this folder (such as: people-picker.directive.js, document-picker.directive.js, ...). Naming convention: *.directive.js.
  • modules: Application main modules should be stored in this folder (such as: account-management.module.js, category-management.module, ...). Naming convention: *.module.js.
  • app.css: Application global style.
  • app.js: Application entry script file.
  • index.html: Application entry html file.

Project commands.

  • npm run build: Bundle and publish project files. Files which are generated will be placed inside dist folder.
  • npm run start: Bundle and start watching project. This is for development stage. Browser will be reloaded automatically when changes are detected.

Bugs report.

  • While using this plugin, if you find any errors, please create issues at project page


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