A Google Chrome extension built to make your deleveoper's life easier.
- Redirect requests to local files so you can debug minified JS/CSS files. Or you can use it to cheat HTML5 games :P
- Simple interface.
- Regex support.
- Download source code and unzip it.
- Open the Extensions page (chrome://extensions) in Google Chrome.
- Enable Developer mode.
- Click on the Load unpacked button and select source directory inside the extension's source code.
- Beaytify the minified file and save it to <extension_dir>/files/ directory.
- Open extension's option page.
- Create new rule.
- Refresh web page containing the original file.
- This extension only works when unpacked. That's why it can't be used in Firefox.
- Doesn't work with inline scripts.
- Doesn't work if the script has integrity check.
- Can only redirect to local static files (for now).