This is a Javascript-based demo of Redis Suggest functionality. Synthetic account data is generated with Faker (1M accounts). Each account has the following fields:
- name: fake account name
- subsidiary: fake account name
- region: one of the continents
- branch code: 'B-' and a random 5 character alphanumeric
- internal code: 'I-' and a random 5 character alphanumeric
Name, subsidiary, branch and internal code are all added to 1 Redis Suggest dictionary. Each dictionary entry has a payload field equal to the full colon-separated concatenation of all the fields for that account. Example:
1) "Weissnat Inc"
2) "Kerluke, Auer and Altenwerth:Weissnat Inc:Asia:B-YV4ev:I-rdW1C"
3) "Weissnat LLC"
4) "Weissnat LLC:Robel, Runolfsdottir and Smitham:North America:B-lpgjB:I-hhC3y"
5) "Weissnat - Von"
6) "Weissnat - Von:Hackett - Ankunding:Africa:B-rr7TE:I-KTQva"
7) "Weissnat - Toy"
8) "Kessler - Roberts:Weissnat - Toy:North America:B-cRmYJ:I-CIbiI"
9) "Weissnat - Kub"
10) "Tromp LLC:Weissnat - Kub:Africa:B-NLKgE:I-vw78X"
- ExpressJS-based REST API server, synthetic data generation + load functionality, and HTML GUI to demonstrate address autocomplete.
- Docker
- Docker Compose
git clone && cd acct-ac-demo
This screen is displayed until all 1M entries have been loaded into Redis.