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Agnostic Scheduler

Go Docker Repository on Quay


Usage (server)

Usage of ./scheduler:
  -api-addr string
        The address API listens to.
        Environment variable: API_ADDR
         (default ":8080")
        Enable authentication for the API.
        Environment variable: API_AUTH  ('true' or 'false')
         (default true)
  -api-htpasswd string
        The path of the htpasswd file to use for authentication for the API.
        Environment variable: API_HTPASSWD
         (default "api-htpasswd")
  -console-addr string
        The address the Console listens to.
        Environment variable: CONSOLE_ADDR
         (default ":8081")
        Debug mode.
        Environment variable: DEBUG

  -git-ssh-private-key string
        The path of the SSH private key used to authenticate to the git repository. Used only when 'git-url' is an SSH URL.
        Environment variable: GIT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY

  -git-url string
        The URL of the git repository where the scheduler will find its configuration. SSH is assumed, unless the URL starts with 'http'.
        Environment variable: GIT_URL
         (default "")
  -redis-url string
        The URL to access redis. The format is described by the IANA specification for the scheme, see
        Environment variable: REDIS_URL
         (default "redis://localhost:6379")
  -template-dir string
        The directory containing the golang templates for the Console.
        Environment variable: TEMPLATE_DIR
         (default "templates")

Config Git repository

The Git repository must contain the following:

  • /policy.yaml - describing the policy.

  • /clouds - directory containting the definition of the resources (clouds) to be scheduled.

example policy.yaml
  - name: LabelPredicates
  - name: TaintPredicates

  - name: LabelPriorities
    weight: 1 # (1)
  - name: TaintPriorities
    weight: 1 # (2)
  1. The weight that will be used to increase the priority of Clouds that match the preferences provided in the Schedule request

  2. The weight that will be used to decrease the priority of Clouds if they have Taints of type "PreferNoSchedule"

example clouds/openstack-blue.yml
name: openstack-blue
  type: osp
  region: na
  datacenter: wdc
  purpose: ilt

Example using the scheduler (client)

Here is an example how the scheduler can be used from ansible.

Input variables
    enable: true
        purpose: development
        region: '{{ region }}'
      uuid: '{{ uuid }}'
    endpoint: /api/v1/schedule
Playbook to schedule or retrieve a placement using UUID
- name: Schedule or retrieve a placement using UUID
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    output: /tmp/placement.json
    - name: Schedule a placement
        url: "{{ agnosticv_meta.scheduler.url + agnosticv_meta.scheduler.endpoint }}"
        validate_certs: "{{ agnosticv_meta.scheduler.validate_certs | default(false) }}"
        return_content: true
        method: POST
        body_format: json
        body: "{{ }}"
        status_code: [200, 400]
        dest: "{{ output }}"
      register: r_placement
      retries: 10
      delay: 30
      until: r_placement is succeeded

    - when: >-
        r_placement.status == 400
        and 'service uuid already has a placement' in r_placement.json.message
      name: Get placement using uuid
        url: "{{ agnosticv_meta.scheduler.url }}/api/v1/placements/{{ uuid }}"
        validate_certs: "{{ agnosticv_meta.scheduler.validate_certs | default(false) }}"
        return_content: true
        method: GET
        dest: "{{ output }}"
      register: g_placement
      retries: 10
      delay: 30
      until: g_placement is succeeded

    - debug:
        msg: >-
          {% if is defined %}
          {{ }}
          {% else %}
          {{ r_placement.json.message }}: {{ }}
          {% endif %}
  1. Playbook to delete placement using UUID

- name: Delete placement using UUID
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Delete placement using uuid
        url: "{{ agnosticv_meta.scheduler.url }}/api/v1/placements/{{ uuid }}"
        validate_certs: "{{ agnosticv_meta.scheduler.validate_certs | default(false) }}"
        return_content: true
        method: DELETE
      register: r_placement
      retries: 10
      delay: 30
      until: r_placement is succeeded


The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License