A sails hook that adds service-now integration into redbox-portal
Main API of your Hook can be stored in controllers and services
- controllers
- services
This configurations are redbox-portal dependent. They will allow redbox to be available as a record If you require to have a form in your portal
Main entry point for the hook
Init code before it gets hooked.
Controller routes exposed to the sails front-end
'post /:branding/:portal/ws/catalog/rdmp': CatalogController.rdmpInfo,
'post /:branding/:portal/ws/catalog/request': CatalogController.request
Configuration and services to your sails app
sails.services['CatalogService'] = CatalogService;
A docker-compose.yml file is present in support/development and is setup to run the full ReDBox stack and install the hook. To run the stack there is a ReDBox Sails Hook Run Utility in the root of the project
ReDBox Sails Hook Run Utility
Usage: ./runForDev.sh [-a|--(no-)angular] [-h|--help]
-a,--angular,--no-angular: Angular mode. Will ensure permissions are set correctly on the Sails working directory so that changes can be applied (off by default)
-h,--help: Prints help
Note: The first time the stack runs it may take some time as yarn initialises the hook within ReDBox Portal. All subsequent runs should be faster
Using Vagrant : https://github.com/moisbo/vagrant-redbox-dev
And configure sync
config.vm.synced_folder "{source}/sails-hook-redbox-catalog", "/opt/hooks/sails-hook-redbox-catalog", id: "catalog"
Service Catalog as stand alone hook:
Or integrated into rdmp
Example: eResearch Storage