A custom implementation of the default discord.py help menu that uses formatted embeds.
Installing is done purely via git:
python -m pip install -U git+https://github.com/redParrot17/discord-ext-fancy-help
- Character and field limits for Discord's embeds are taken into consideration when constructing the response.
- Cog lookups are case insensitive resulting in reduced frustration among your users.
- Gracefully handles situations where a command and cog have the same name.
- The cog will be used for the initial invocation and the command will be used for any repeated invocations within 15 seconds.
This implementation provides several forms of customization to tweak the look of the help menu.
- The color of the embeds.
- If the help menu should be sent in chat or via DMs.
- The maximum number of embeds allowed before defaulting to DMs.
- The maximum width of command documentation to display.
- Whether or not the commands should be sorted alphabetically.
- The category name for commands that don't fall under a Cog.
- The heading to use for group or cog commands.
You can edit these values via the kwargs of the menu's __init__ constructor.
from discord.ext import fancyhelp
from discord import Color
menu = fancyhelp.EmbeddedHelpCommand(
from discord.ext import fancyhelp
from discord.ext.commands import Bot
client = Bot(
from discord.ext import fancyhelp
from discord.ext.commands import Cog
class Help(Cog):
"""This Cog replaces the default help command with a shiny new one that uses embeds."""
def __init__(self, bot):
# We want to preserve the original in case this cog gets unloaded.
self._original_help_command = bot.help_command
# Replaces the default help command with our new one.
bot.help_command = fancyhelp.EmbeddedHelpCommand()
bot.help_command.cog = self
self.bot = bot
def cog_unload(self):
"""Restores the default help functionality to the bot."""
self.bot.help_command = self._original_help_command
self.bot.help_command.cog = self._original_help_command.cog
def setup(bot):