This package provides (and requires Emacs 24.4 or higher version):
- Syntax highlight for .nim, .nims, nimble, nim.cfg
- Auto-indent
- Outline by procedures (
etc.) - nim compile command by "C-c C-c" (
) - more features with Nimsuggest:
- on the fly linter using flycheck, or flymake (from Emacs 26)
- auto-completion with company-mode ("C-M-i" for manual completion)
- jump-to-definition ("M-.", and "M-," keys)
- find-references ("M-?" key)
- eldoc or help on hover in term of LSP
For regular emacs users, all you need is below configuration in your
dot emacs after you installed nim-mode from MELPA and nimsuggest
which you can make by ./koch tools
or ./koch nimsuggest
command in
the Nim repository (or check the official document on Nim website if
this information was outdated):
(add-hook 'nim-mode-hook 'nimsuggest-mode)
Below configuration can be optional
;; The `nimsuggest-path' will be set the value of
;; (executable-find "nimsuggest"), automatically.
(setq nimsuggest-path "path/to/nimsuggest")
;; You may need to install below packages if you haven't installed yet.
;; -- Auto completion --
;; You can omit if you configured company-mode on `prog-mode-hook'
(add-hook 'nimsuggest-mode-hook 'company-mode) ; auto complete package
;; -- Auto lint --
;; You can omit if you configured flycheck-mode on `prog-mode-hook'
(add-hook 'nimsuggest-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode) ; auto linter package
;; FYI:
;; might be supproted in the future, but not for now
;; (add-hook 'nimsuggest-mode-hook 'nimsuggest-mode)
Supplemental information:
Note that currently nim-mode has three choices for auto linters:
, flymake-nimsuggeset
, and flycheck-nim
First two linters use same backend nimsuggest whereas flycheck-nim uses
Nim compiler's check
command. If you prefer to configure Nim's configuration
inside Emacs (ex. Compile option), flycheck-nim might be the best, but if not
nimsuggest based backends are good for you probably.
If you use Emacs 26 or higher, you can also use `flymake' package which Emacs' builtin standard package for auto lint (it was re written on Emacs 26). You can use by below config:
(add-hook 'nimsuggest-mode-hook 'flymake-mode) ; builtin auto linter package
- Install
via MELPA.- Check the MELPA's link and add the package archive if you don't set yet
M-x package-install
- type
and then enter
Please take a look next Nimsuggest
section if you interested in
editor integration like code-completion, jump-to-definition, or linting.
(if you are impatient, skip until install nimsuggest
to install it)
Nimsuggest is an editor agnostic tool for Nim and nim-mode provides:
- Completion feature -- C-M-i and M-TAB keys and auto-complete feature if you install company-mode
- Asynchronous linting -- nimsuggest take care .nims files as configuration file, so it's smarter than nim check command (1)
- Showing info under the cursor in minibuffer -- (1)
- Jump to definition feature -- M-. for go to def and M-, for back to before the go to def position
- Show document of current position's identifier -- C-c C-d
(1): those are automatically turned on if you turned on nimsuggest-mode
Use stable version: See official download instruction at "Installation based on generated C code" section.
Use latest version: This way may or may not work (depending on Nim or nimsuggest's state and we can't support all the way), so use above way if you prefer stable.
# assuming you already installed Nim cd /path/to/Nim_repository ./koch tools
Those packages are convenience packages and can be installed same way as nim-mode (M-x list-packages ...)
- indent-guide: show visible indent levels
- quickrun: emacs port of vim's quickrun
- company-mode: auto-complete feature
- ob-nim: org-mode integration focused on Nim
- wgrep: Writable grep buffer and apply the changes to files (maybe convenient for refactor stuff)
- suggestion-box-el: show argument info on the cursor
You can also find other editor/IDE plugins for Nim language here