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Releases: realm/realm-graphql-service


19 Dec 11:29
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  • Allow overriding the generated model names to avoid clashes with existing classes. The override properties are collectionModelSuffix, inputModelSuffix, namedSubscriptionModelName, and base64ModelName on the GraphQLServiceSettings interface.


  • Compatible with Realm Object Server releases from 3.12.0 or later.

Known notable issues

  • Support for using query-based Realms is in beta and while the API is stable, there may be corner cases that are not well covered.
  • Linking to a class that contains no properties will result in GraphQL errors claiming that it can't find that class. The workaround is to add at least one property to the class (this can be done either via any of the native SDKs or Studio).


30 Nov 11:20
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that could cause an exception with the message ReferenceError: realm is not defined to be thrown. (#83)


  • Compatible with Realm Object Server releases from 3.12.0 or later.

Known notable issues

  • Support for using query-based Realms is in beta and while the API is stable, there may be corner cases that are not well covered.
  • Linking to a class that contains no properties will result in GraphQL errors claiming that it can't find that class. The workaround is to add at least one property to the class (this can be done either via any of the native SDKs or Studio).


24 Oct 19:47
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  • Added preliminary support for using query-based synchronized Realms. When opening such Realms, there several new GraphQL nodes added:
    • createXXXSubscription(query: String, sortBy: String, descending: Boolean, name: String): creates a Realm subscription for objects of type XXX that match the query. When working with query-based Realms, you need to first create Realm subscriptions to indicate which objects should be synchronized to the Realm. The response is a collection of objects that match the query. Once a subscription is created, it will be persisted and objects will be automatically synchronized until the subscription is removed. You can specify an optional name, that will allow you to later remove that subscription.
    • queryBasedSubscriptions(name: String): returns a collection of active subscriptions.
    • deleteQueryBasedSubscription(name: String!): removes a subscription by name.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug which would cause the following error message to be output when a class didn't have any properties: Invalid options provided to ApolloServer: Syntax Error: Expected Name, found }. Now such classes are ignored as they contain no meaningful information. realm-graphql#32


11 Sep 09:32
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  • Added a configuration option to represent integers as Float in the GraphQL schema. Since Realm integers can be up to 64-bit and the GraphQL Int type is limited to 32-bits, this setting allows you to extend the range of the numbers you can query to match javascript's limit (2^53 - 1). The downside is that you'll lose the type checking and you may accidentally pass floats where integers are expected. Doing so will cause Realm to automatically round the number down and treat it as an integer. To enable that option, pass
    presentIntsAsFloatsInSchema: true in the GraphQLService constructor.


10 Sep 08:46
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Bug fixes

  • Pinned the Apollo dependencies to 1.3.6 as 1.4.0 is breaking the GraphiQL explorer functionality.


04 Sep 19:21
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where subscriptions and queries over websocket would not work. This was a regression introduced with 3.2.0.


28 Aug 11:14
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  • Added a configuration option to include the objects matching the query in the collection response. It is not true by default because it changes the response type slightly, which would break existing clients. It can be enabled by passing includeCountInResponses: true in the GraphQLService constructor.
  • Lifted the requirement to url-encode Realm paths.


29 May 20:36
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Bump version


17 May 10:03
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Release 2.3.2