- Docker images for Redis and Sentinel
- Kubernetes configuration
If you want to push images closer location to your cluster for such as asia.gcr.io
$ docker build -t asia.gcr.io/your-project-id/redis-ha-server:3.2.8 images/server
$ docker push asia.gcr.io/your-project-id/redis-ha-server:3.2.8
$ docker build -t asia.gcr.io/your-project-id/redis-ha-sentinel:3.2.8 images/sentinel
$ docker push asia.gcr.io/your-project-id/redis-ha-sentinel:3.2.8
$ kubectl create namespace ruby-app # <-- replace with your app's namespace
namespace "ruby-app" created
$ kubeclt apply -f kube --namespace=ruby-app
configmap "redis-config" created
configmap "sentinel-config" created
service "redis-ha" created
statefulset "rds" created
Redis-rb supports sentinel.
{:host => "rds-0.redis-ha.ruby-app.svc.cluster.local", :port => 26379},
{:host => "rds-1.redis-ha.ruby-app.svc.cluster.local", :port => 26379},
{:host => "rds-2.redis-ha.ruby-app.svc.cluster.local", :port => 26379},
redis = Redis.new(
host: 'ha-master' # the gem uses 'host' param as master name
sentinels: SENTINELS, role: :master,
timeout: 10, connect_timeout: 15