- demo-encoder can take an input video from the client's file system, transcode it in the cloud, and upload to cloud storage.
- Version 1.0
- Docker installed (docker --version)
- Docker-compose installed (docker-compose --version)
- x86_64 Processor architecture
Modify "hotconfig.js" with your settings:
- BUCKET_NAME is your AWS Bucket name (i.e. demo-encoder)
- AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_KEY are AWS keys that have write access to the bucket above
- AWS_REGION is your region, like 'us-east-1';
Build and Run:
- docker-compose build
- docker-compose run
- Install node.js, and npm.js: Node or from homebrew on mac: Homebrew
- Install bower and run yarn or npm install
- $ npm install -g bower
- $ npm install
- $ bower install
- Update /src/config/config.ts with your aws access key and secret key for S3 uploading. Along with your bento4/bin path and path to your local media file
- Update the bucketName value in /src/config/config.ts with your s3 bucket name
- Turn local cleanup on/off with the cleanup value in /src/config/config.ts
- To get signed URLs from bucket storage, use the signedUrls value in /src/config/config.ts
- $ npm run clean
- $ npm run compile
- You can watch for changes in your code with $ npm run watch
- Run with $ npm run nodemon
- Or with $ npm start
- Same as mac, or...
- Run the app with node .dist/bin/www.js
Go to http://localhost:3000 in a browser.
You can encode a video with the default setting by only selecting a video and not changing any of the options on the web form
- Entry point of the encoder is in src/control/workflow.ts in the initWorkflow function.
- The workflow is constructed with an array of functions in setWorkflow in workflow.ts
- Encoding processes, file system processes, and storage upload processes are designated to their own respective files in the src/processes directory
- All client code is in the client directory, and is a very rough bootstrap design with a single ajax form.
- Workflow status is polled, and accesses the javascript object in src/control/status.ts
- All workflow specific values are stored in the options, which are passed through the application until completion.
- realeyes.com
- https://github.com/realeyes-media/demo-encoder