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This project is an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Framework powered by DuckDB, designed to seamlessly integrate and process data from diverse sources. It leverages Markdown as a configuration medium, where YAML blocks define metadata for each data source, and embedded SQL blocks specify the extraction, transformation, and loading logic.


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ETLX: DuckDB-Powered Markdown-Driven ETL Framework, A Modern Approach to ETL Workflows

ETLX leverages the power of DuckDB to provide a streamlined, configuration-driven approach to ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) workflows. With its Markdown-based configuration and extensibility, ETLX simplifies data integration, transformation, automation, quality check, documentation ...

This project is a high-performance ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Framework powered by DuckDB, designed to integrate and process data from diverse sources. It uses Markdown as configuration inputs (inspired by, where YAML|TOML|JSON metadata defines data source properties, and SQL blocks specify the logic for extraction, transformation, and loading.

Supports a variety of data sources, including:

  • Relational Databases: Postgres, MySQL, SQLite, ODBC.

  • Cloud Storage: S3, and other S3 compatible Object Storage.

  • File Formats: CSV, Parquet, Spreadsheets.

By leveraging DuckDB's powerful in-memory processing capabilities, this framework enables seamless ETL operations, validation, and data integration, template fill ...


  • Config Parsing from Markdown:

    • Supports YAML, TOML, and JSON metadata blocks.
    • Automatically parses and structures Markdown configuration into a nested data structure.
  • ETL Execution:

    • Handles extract, transform, and load processes using a modular design.
    • Supports complex workflows with customizable steps.
  • Query Documentation:

    • Define modular SQL queries in sections.
    • Combines query parts dynamically to build complete SQL statements.
  • Exports:

    • Export data to various formats (e.g., CSV, Excel).
    • Supports template-based exports for custom reports.
  • Requires:

    • Dynamically load additional configuration from files or database queries.
  • CLI Interface:

    • Command-line interface for executing ETLX configurations.
    • Supports flags for custom parameters (e.g., --config, --date, --steps).

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Quick Start
  3. Features
  4. Configuration Details
  5. Advanced Usage
  6. Embedding in Go
  7. Future Plans
  8. License

1. Introduction

ETLX introduces an innovative, flexible way to handle ETL processes, data quality validation, and report automation. It empowers users with:

  • Markdown-driven Configuration: Define your workflows in a structured, human-readable format.
  • DuckDB Integration: Utilize DuckDB’s capabilities to work with diverse data sources, including databases, object storage, and APIs.
  • Extensibility: Easily adapt to new use cases with modular configurations.

2. Quick Start


Option 1: Precompiled Binaries

Precompiled binaries for Linux, macOS, and Windows are available on the releases page. Download the appropriate binary for your system and make it executable:

# Example for Linux or macOS
chmod +x etlx
./etlx --help

Option 2: Install via Go (as a library)

# Install ETLX
go install

Option 3: Clone Repo

git clone
cd etlx

And then:

go run main.go --config --date 2023-10-31

the same can be said for build On Windows you may have build issues, in that case I found out that is easier to just use the latest libduckdb from duckdb/releases put it in your path and then build with -tags=duckdb_use_lib

CGO_ENABLED=1 CGO_LDFLAGS="-L/path/to/libs" go run -tags=duckdb_use_lib main.go --config --date 2023-10-31

Running ETLX

The binary supports the following flags:

  • --config: Path to the Markdown configuration file. (Default:
  • --date: Reference date for the ETL process in YYYY-MM-DD format. (Default: yesterday's date)
  • --only: Comma-separated list of keys to run.
  • --skip: Comma-separated list of keys to skip.
  • --steps: Steps to run within the ETL process (extract, transform, load).
  • --file: Path to a specific file to extract data from. Typically used with the --only flag.
  • --clean: Execute clean_sql on items (conditional based on --only and --skip).
  • --drop: Execute drop_sql on items (conditional based on --only and --skip).
  • --rows: Retrieve the number of rows in the target table(s).
etlx --config --date 2023-10-31 --only sales --steps extract,load

How It Works

Create a Markdown file with the ETL process configuration. For example:

Example Use Case

Markdown File (

```yaml metadata
name: Daily_ETL
description: 'Daily extraction at 5 AM'
database: analytics_db
connection: 'postgres:user=@PGUSER password=@PGPASSWORD dbname=analytics_db host=localhost port=5432 sslmode=disable'

## sales_data
```yaml metadata
name: SalesData
description: 'Daily Sales Data'
load_conn: 'duckdb:'
  - load_extentions
  - conn
load_validation: # Validation is performed during the load phase using YAML
  - type: throw_if_empty
    sql: validate_data_not_empty
    msg: 'No data extracted for the given date!'
  - type: throw_if_not_empty
    sql: validate_data_duplicates
    msg: 'Duplicate data detected!'
load_sql: load_sales
load_after_sql: detaches

-- load_extentions
load mysql;
load postgres;

-- conn
ATTACH 'user=@MYSQL_USER password=A@MYSQL_PASSWORD port=3306 database=sales' AS "ORG" (TYPE MYSQL);
ATTACH 'ser=@PGUSER password=@PGPASSWORD dbname=analytics_db host=localhost port=5432 sslmode=disable' AS "DST" (TYPE POSTGRES);

-- detaches

```sql load_sales
FROM "ORG"."sales";

-- validate_data_not_empty
FROM "ORG"."sales"
WHERE "date" = '{YYYY-MM-DD}'

-- throw_if_not_empty
FROM "DST"."analytics_db"
WHERE "date" = '{YYYY-MM-DD}'

Run the workflow:

etlx --config --date 2024-01-01

Parse the Markdown File

  • Parse the Markdown file to extract:
    • YAML|TOML|JSON blocks: For metadata and configuration.
    • SQL blocks: For ETL logic / queries defined in the metadata.

Execute the Workflow

  • Use DuckDB to:
    • Extract data from the source.
    • Apply transformations (if specified).
    • Load the processed data into the target.

3. Features

  • Markdown-based configurations for easy readability.
  • Extensive DuckDB support for various data sources and formats.
  • Modular design for reusability and clarity.
  • Built-in error handling and validation.
  • Export functionality for reports, templates, and data lakes.

4. Configuration Details


  • Defines the overall ETL process.
  • Example:
```yaml metadata
name: Daily_ETL
description: 'Daily extraction at 5 AM'
database: analytics_db
connection: 'postgres:user=@PGUSER password=@PGPASSWORD dbname=analytics_db host=localhost port=5432 sslmode=disable'

## sales_data
```yaml metadata
name: SalesData
description: 'Daily Sales Data'
load_conn: 'duckdb:'
  - load_extentions
  - conn
load_validation: # Validation is performed during the load phase using YAML
  - type: throw_if_empty
    sql: validate_data_not_empty
    msg: 'No data extracted for the given date!'
  - type: throw_if_not_empty
    sql: validate_data_duplicates
    msg: 'Duplicate data detected!'
load_sql: load_sales
load_after_sql: detaches

1. ETL Process Starts

  • Begin with the "ETL" key;
  • Extract metadata, specifically:
    • "connection": Main connection to the destination database.
    • "description": For logging the start and end time of the ETL process.

2. Loop through Level 2 key in under "ETL" key

  • Iterate over each key (e.g., "sales_data")
  • For each key, access its "metadata" to process the ETL steps.

3. ETL Steps

  • Each ETL step (extract, transform, load) has:
    • _before_sql: Queries to run first (setup).
    • _sql: The main query or queries to run.
    • _after_sql: Cleanup queries to run afterward.
  • Queries can be:
    • null: Do nothing.
    • string: Reference a single query key in the same map or the query itself.
    • array|list: Execute all queries in sequence.
    • In case is not null it can be the query itself or just the name of a sql code block under the same key, where sql [query_name] or first line -- [query_name]
  • Use _conn for connection settings. If null, fall back to the main connection.
  • Additionally, error handling can be defined using [step]_on_err_match_patt and [step]_on_err_match_sql to handle specific database errors dynamically, where [step]_on_err_match_patt is the regexp patthern to match error,and if maches the [step]_on_err_match_sql is executed, the same can be applyed for [step]_before_on_err_match_patt and [step]_before_on_err_match_sql. You can define patterns to match specific errors and provide SQL statements to resolve those errors. This feature is useful when working with dynamically created databases, tables, or schemas.

4. Output Logs

  • Log progress (e.g., connection usage, start/end times, descriptions).
  • Gracefully handle missing or null keys.

Validation Rules

  • Validate data quality during the ETL process by using the key [step]_validation in the metadata section.
  • Example:
  - type: throw_if_empty
    sql: validate_data_not_empty
    msg: 'No data extracted for the given date!'
    active: false
  - type: throw_if_not_empty
    sql: validate_data_duplicates
    msg: 'Duplicate data detected!'

For every object in the [step]_validation the sql is executed in the [step]_con connection, and it cal eather throw error message defined in msg or not if the condition (type:throw_if_empty | type:throw_if_not_empty or) is met or not.

Query Documentation

In some ETL processes, particularly during the Transform step, queries may become too complex to manage as a single string. To address this, the configuration supports a structured approach where you can break down a query into individual fields and their respective SQL components. This approach improves modularity, readability, and maintainability.


A complex query is defined as a top-level heading (e.g., # My Complex Query) in the configuration. Each field included in the query is represented as a Level 2 heading (e.g., ## Field Name).

For each field:

  • Metadata can describe the field (e.g., name, description) if a yaml metadata is not provided the field key is used as field in this example Field Name.
  • SQL components like select, from, join, where, group_by, order_by, having, and cte are specified in separate sql blocks.

Markdown Example

# My Complex Query
This query processes sales and regions data.

```yaml metadata
name: sales_and_regions_query
description: "Combines sales data with region metadata."

## Sales Field
```yaml metadata
name: sales_field
description: "Field representing sales data."

-- select
SELECT S.total_sales AS sales_field

-- from
FROM sales_data AS S

## Regions Field
```yaml metadata
name: regions_field
description: "Field representing region metadata."

-- cte
WITH region_cte AS (
    SELECT region_id, region_name
    FROM region_data
    WHERE active = TRUE

-- select
    , R.region_name AS regions_field

-- join
LEFT JOIN region_cte AS R ON S.region_id = R.region_id

-- where
WHERE S.total_sales > 1000

How Query Doc. Works

  1. Parsing the Configuration:

    • Each query is parsed as a separate section with its metadata stored under the metadata key.
    • Fields within the query are parsed as child sections, each containing its own metadata and SQL components.
  2. Combining the Query:

    • The query is built by iterating over the fields (in the order they appear) and combining their SQL components in the following order:
      • cteselectfromjoinwheregroup_byhavingorder_by
    • All the resulting parts are concatenated to form the final query.

Why This Approach Matters

Handling complex queries with hundreds of columns and numerous joins can quickly become overwhelming. By breaking down the query into smaller, manageable sections, you gain the ability to focus on individual components independently.

This approach is especially beneficial in a notebook-like environment, where each section is represented as a separate heading and can be linked via a table of contents. With this structure, you can:

  • Enhance Documentation: Add context to each field, join condition, or transformation directly in the query configuration.
  • Incorporate Formulas: Include relevant calculations or business logic alongside the query components.
  • Promote Collaboration: Enable multiple contributors to work on different parts of the query without conflicts.

This method simplifies the process of building and maintaining large queries while promoting organization, clarity, and reusability in your ETL workflows.

Example Use Case for this type o query documentation

Consider a scenario where you need to create a large report combining data from multiple sources. Instead of writing a single, monolithic SQL query, you can use this modular approach to:

  • Define each column or join independently.
  • Add detailed documentation for each transformation step.
  • Generate a table of contents for easier navigation and review.

The result is a well-organized, maintainable, and self-documented query configuration that streamlines the development and review process.

Resulting Query

For the example above, the generated query will look like this:

WITH region_cte AS (
    SELECT region_id, region_name
    FROM region_data
    WHERE active = TRUE
SELECT S.total_sales AS sales_field
    , R.region_name AS regions_field
FROM sales_data AS S
LEFT JOIN region_cte AS R ON S.region_id = R.region_id
WHERE S.total_sales > 1000

Metadata Options

  • Query Metadata:

    • name: A unique identifier for the query.
    • description: A brief description of the query's purpose.
  • Field Metadata:

    • name: A unique identifier for the field.
    • description: A brief description of the field's purpose. But if you only using the parser for you to document your queries you may want to pass extra information in your metadata to use to generate documentation like data lineage / dictionary, ...


  • Modularity: Each field is defined separately, making the query easier to understand and modify.
  • Reusability: SQL components like cte or join can be reused across different queries.
  • Readability: Breaking down complex queries improves comprehension and reduces debugging time.

By leveraging this structure, you can handle even the most complex SQL queries in your ETL process with ease and flexibility. Each query becomes manageable, and you gain the ability to compose intricate SQL logic dynamically.

Data Quality

The DATA_QUALITY section allows you to define and execute validation rules to ensure the quality of your data. Each rule performs a check using a SQL query to identify records that violate a specific condition. Optionally, you can define a query to fix any identified issues automatically if applicable.

Data Quality Structure

  1. Metadata:

    • The DATA_QUALITY section contains metadata describing its purpose and activation status.
  2. Validation Rules:

    • Each validation rule is defined as a Level 2 heading under the DATA_QUALITY block.
    • Rules include a query to check for violations and, optionally, a query to fix issues.
  3. Execution:

    • The system loops through all rules in the DATA_QUALITY block.
    • For each rule:
      • Runs the validation query.
      • If violations are found and a fix query is defined, executes the fix query.

Data Quality Markdown Example

description: "Runs some queries to check quality / validate."
active: true

## Rule0001
name: Rule0001
description: "Check if the field x has the option y and z."
connection: "duckdb:"
  - "LOAD sqlite"
  - "ATTACH 'reporting.db' AS DB (TYPE SQLITE)"
query: quality_check_query
fix_quality_err: fix_quality_err_query
column: total_reg_with_err # Defaults to 'total'.
after_sql: "DETACH DB"
active: true

-- quality_check_query
SELECT COUNT(*) AS "total_reg_with_err"
FROM "sales"
WHERE "option" NOT IN ('y', 'z');

-- fix_quality_err_query
UPDATE "sales"
SET "option" = 'default value'
WHERE "option" NOT IN ('y', 'z');

## Rule0002
name: Rule0002
description: "Check if the field y has the option x and z."
connection: "duckdb:"
  - "LOAD sqlite"
  - "ATTACH 'reporting.db' AS DB (TYPE SQLITE)"
query: quality_check_query
fix_quality_err: null # no automated fixing for this
column: total_reg_with_err # Defaults to 'total'.
after_sql: "DETACH DB"
active: true

-- quality_check_query
SELECT COUNT(*) AS "total_reg_with_err"
FROM "sales"
WHERE "option2" NOT IN ('x', 'z');

How Data Quality Works

  1. Defining Rules:

    • Each rule specifies:
      • A SQL query (query) to validate data.
      • An optional fix query (fix_quality_err) to resolve issues.
      • Metadata for connection, pre/post-SQL commands, and status.
  2. Execution Flow:

    • The validation query is executed first.
    • If the number of violations is greater than 0:
      • Logs the count of invalid records.
      • Executes the fix query if fix_quality_err is defined.
  3. Output:

    • Provides detailed logs about rule violations and fixes applied.

Data Quality Example Use Case

For the example above:

  1. Rule0001:

    • Validates that the option field contains only the values y and z.
    • Updates invalid records to a default value using the fix query.
  2. Rule0002:

    • Validates that the option2 field contains only the values x and z.
    • Updates invalid records to a default value using the fix query.

Data Quality Benefits

  • Automated Quality Assurance:

    • Identify and fix data issues programmatically.
  • Customizable Rules:

    • Define rules tailored to your specific data quality requirements.
  • Flexibility:

    • Supports pre- and post-SQL commands for advanced workflows.

By integrating the DATA_QUALITY block, you can ensure the integrity of your data and automate validation processes as part of your ETL pipeline.


The EXPORTS section in the ETL configuration handles exporting data to files. This is particularly useful for generating reports for internal departments, regulators, partners, or saving processed data to a data lake. By leveraging DuckDB's ability to export data in various formats, this section supports file generation with flexibility and precision.

Export Structure

An export configuration is defined as a top-level heading (e.g., # EXPORTS) in the configuration. Within this section:

  1. Exports Metadata:

    • Metadata defines properties like the database connection, export path, and activation status.
    • Fields like type, name, description, path, and active control the behavior of each export.
  2. Query-to-File Configuration:

    • Define the SQL query or sequence of queries used for generating the file.
    • Specify the export format, such as CSV, Parquet, or Excel.
  3. Template-Based Exports:

    • Templates allow you to map query results into specific cells and sheets of an existing spreadsheet template.

Export Markdown

Exports data to files.

```yaml metadata
type: exports
name: DailyExports
description: "Daily file exports for various datasets."
database: reporting_db
connection: "duckdb:"
path: "/path/to/Reports/YYYYMMDD"
active: true

## Sales Data Export
```yaml metadata
type: query_to_file
name: SalesExport
description: "Export daily sales data to CSV."
database: reporting_db
connection: "duckdb:"
  - "LOAD sqlite"
  - "ATTACH 'reporting.db' AS DB (TYPE SQLITE)"
  - export
active: true

-- export
    SELECT *
    FROM "DB"."Sales"
    WHERE "sale_date" = '{YYYY-MM-DD}'
) TO '/path/to/Reports/YYYYMMDD/sales_YYYYMMDD.csv' (FORMAT 'csv', HEADER true);

## Region Data Export to Excel
```yaml metadata
type: query_to_file
name: RegionExport
description: "Export region data to an Excel file."
database: reporting_db
connection: "duckdb:"
  - "LOAD sqlite"
  - "LOAD Spatial"
  - "ATTACH 'reporting.db' AS DB (TYPE SQLITE)"
  - export
active: true

-- export
    SELECT *
    FROM "DB"."Regions"
    WHERE "updated_at" >= '{YYYY-MM-DD}'
) TO '/path/to/Reports/YYYYMMDD/regions_YYYYMMDD.xlsx' (FORMAT GDAL, DRIVER 'xlsx');

## Sales Report Template
```yaml metadata
type: template
name: SalesReport
description: "Generate a sales report from a template."
database: reporting_db
connection: "duckdb:"
  - "LOAD sqlite"
  - "ATTACH 'reporting.db' AS DB (TYPE SQLITE)"
template: "/path/to/Templates/sales_template.xlsx"
path: "/path/to/Reports/sales_report_YYYYMMDD.xlsx"
  - sheet: Summary
    range: B2
    sql: summary_query
    type: range
    table: SummaryTable
    table_style: TableStyleLight1
    header: true
    if_exists: delete
  - sheet: Details
    range: A1
    sql: details_query
    type: value
    key: total_sales
after_sql: "DETACH DB"
active: true

-- summary_query
SELECT SUM(total_sales) AS total_sales
FROM "DB"."Sales"
WHERE "sale_date" = '{YYYY-MM-DD}'

-- details_query
FROM "DB"."Sales"
WHERE "sale_date" = '{YYYY-MM-DD}';

How Exporting It Works

  1. Parsing the Configuration:

    • Each export is parsed as a separate section with its metadata stored under the metadata key.
    • SQL queries or template mappings are defined as child sections.
  2. File Generation:

    • The export_sql field specifies a sequence of SQL statements used for the export.
    • The final COPY statement defines the file format and location.
  3. Template-Based Exports:

    • Templates map query results to specific sheets and cells in an existing spreadsheet.
    • The mapping field defines how query results populate the template:
      • sheet: The target sheet in the template.
      • range: The starting cell for the data.
      • sql: The query generating the data.
      • type: Indicates whether the data fills a range (range) or single value (value).
      • table_style: The table style applied to the range.
      • if_exists: Specifies how to handle existing data (e.g., delete or append). the maping can also be a string representing a query and all the mapping can be loaded from a table in the database to simplify the config, and also in a real world it can be extensive, would be easier to be done in a spreadsheet and loaded as a table.

Resulting Outputs

  1. CSV File:

    • Exports sales data to a CSV file located at /path/to/Reports/YYYYMMDD/sales_YYYYMMDD.csv.
  2. Excel File:

    • Exports region data to an Excel file located at /path/to/Reports/YYYYMMDD/regions_YYYYMMDD.xlsx.
  3. Populated Template:

    • Generates a sales report from sales_template.xlsx and saves it as sales_report_YYYYMMDD.xlsx.

Benefits of this functionality

  • Flexibility:
    • Export data in multiple formats (e.g., CSV, Excel) using DuckDB's powerful COPY command.
  • Reusability:
    • Use predefined templates to create consistent reports.
  • Customizability:
    • SQL queries and mappings allow fine-grained control over the exported data.

By leveraging the EXPORTS section, you can automate data export processes, making them efficient and repeatable.


The MULTI_QUERIES section allows you to define multiple queries with similar structures and aggregate their results using a SQL UNION. This is particularly useful when generating summaries or reports that combine data from multiple queries into a single result set.

Multi-Queries Structure

  1. Metadata:

    • The MULTI_QUERIES section includes metadata for connection details, pre/post-SQL commands, and activation status.
    • The union_key defines how the queries are combined (e.g., UNION, UNION ALL).
  2. Query Definitions:

    • Each query is defined as a Level 2 heading under the MULTI_QUERIES block.
    • Queries inherit metadata from the parent block unless overridden.
  3. Execution:

    • All queries are combined using the specified union_key (default is UNION).
    • The combined query is executed as a single statement.
    • The combined query can be save by specifing save_sql normally an insert, create [or replace] table or even a copy to file statment, and insert statment should be used in combination with the save_on_err_patt and save_on_err_sql in case of an error matching the table does ... not exist to create the tabe instead.

Multi-Queries Markdown Example

description: "Define multiple structured queries combined with UNION."
connection: "duckdb:"
  - "LOAD sqlite"
  - "ATTACH 'reporting.db' AS DB (TYPE SQLITE)"
save_sql: save_mult_query_res
save_on_err_patt: '(?i)table.+with.+name.+(\w+).+does.+not.+exist'
save_on_err_sql: create_mult_query_res
after_sql: "DETACH DB"
union_key: "UNION ALL\n" # Defaults to UNION.
active: true

-- save_mult_query_res
-- create_mult_query_res

## Row1
name: Row1
description: "Row 1"
connection: "duckdb:"
  - "LOAD sqlite"
  - "ATTACH 'reporting.db' AS DB (TYPE SQLITE)"
query: row_query
active: true

-- row_query
SELECT '# number of rows' AS "variable", COUNT(*) AS "value"
FROM "sales";

## Row2
name: Row2
description: "Row 2"
query: row_query
active: true

-- row_query
SELECT 'total revenue' AS "variable", SUM("total") AS "value"
FROM "sales";

## Row3
name: Row3
description: "Row 3"
query: row_query
active: true

-- row_query
SELECT "region" AS "variable", SUM("total") AS "value"
FROM "sales"
GROUP BY "region";

Multi-Queries How It Works

  1. Defining Queries:

    • Queries are defined as Level 2 headings.
    • Each query can include its own metadata and SQL.
  2. Combining Queries:

    • All queries are combined using the union_key (e.g., UNION or UNION ALL).
    • The combined query is executed as a single statement.
  3. Execution Flow:

    • Executes the before_sql commands at the start.
    • Combines all active queries with the union_key.
    • Executes the combined query.
    • Executes the after_sql commands after the query execution.

Multi-Queries Example Use Case

For the example above:

  1. Row1:
    • Counts the number of rows in the sales table.
  2. Row2:
    • Calculates the total revenue from the sales table.
  3. Row3:
    • Sums the revenue for each region in the sales table.

The resulting combined query:

LOAD sqlite;
ATTACH 'reporting.db' AS DB (TYPE SQLITE);

SELECT '# number of rows' AS "variable", COUNT(*) AS "value"
FROM "sales"
SELECT 'total revenue' AS "variable", SUM("total") AS "value"
FROM "sales"
SELECT "region" AS "variable", SUM("total") AS "value"
FROM "sales"
GROUP BY "region";


Multi-Queries Benefits

  • Efficiency:
    • Executes multiple queries in a single statement.
  • Flexibility:
    • Combines queries using UNION or UNION ALL.
  • Customizability:
    • Supports query-specific and parent-level metadata for maximum control.

With the MULTI_QUERIES section, you can simplify the process of aggregating data from multiple queries into a unified result set.

Loading Config Dependencies

The REQUIRES section in the ETL configuration allows you to load dependencies from external Markdown configurations. These dependencies can either be loaded from file paths or dynamically through queries. This feature promotes modularity and reusability by enabling you to define reusable parts of the configuration in separate files or queries.

Loading Structure

  1. Metadata:

    • The REQUIRES section includes metadata describing its purpose and activation status.
  2. Loading Options:

    • From Queries:
      • Dynamically fetch configuration content from a query.
      • Specify the query, column containing the configuration, and optional pre/post SQL scripts.
    • From Files:
      • Load configuration content from an external file path.
  3. Integration:

    • The loaded configuration is merged into the main configuration.
    • Top-level headings in the required configuration that don’t exist in the main configuration are added.

Loading Markdown Example

description: "Load configuration dependencies from files or queries."
active: true

## Sales Transformation
name: SalesTransform
description: "Load sales transformation config from a query."
connection: "duckdb:"
  - "LOAD sqlite"
  - "ATTACH 'reporting.db' AS DB (TYPE SQLITE)"
query: get_sales_conf
column: md_conf_content # Defaults to 'conf' if not provided.
after_sql: "DETACH DB"
active: false

-- get_sales_conf
SELECT "md_conf_content"
FROM "configurations"
WHERE "config_name" = 'Sales'
  AND "active" = true
  AND "excluded" = false;

## Inventory Transformation
name: InventoryTransform
description: "Load inventory transformation config from a file."
path: "/path/to/Configurations/"
active: true

How Loading Works

  1. Defining Dependencies:

    • Dependencies are listed as child sections under the # REQUIRES heading.
    • Each dependency specifies its source (query or path) and associated metadata.
  2. From Queries:

    • Use the query field to specify a SQL query that retrieves the configuration.
    • The column field specifies which column contains the Markdown configuration content.
    • Optionally, use before_sql and after_sql to define scripts to run before or after executing the query.
  3. From Files:

    • Use the path field to specify the file path of an external Markdown configuration.
  4. Merging with Main Configuration:

    • After loading the configuration, any top-level headings in the loaded configuration that don’t exist in the main configuration are added.

Loading - Example Use Case

For the example above, the following happens:

  1. Sales Transformation:

    • A query retrieves the Markdown configuration content for sales transformations from a database table.
    • The before_sql and after_sql scripts prepare the environment for the query execution.
  2. Inventory Transformation:

    • A Markdown configuration is loaded from an external file path (/path/to/Configurations/

Loading - Benefits

  • Modularity:
    • Break large configurations into smaller, reusable parts.
  • Dynamic Updates:
    • Use queries to dynamically load updated configurations from databases.
  • Ease of Maintenance:
    • Keep configurations for different processes in separate files or sources, simplifying updates and version control.

By leveraging the REQUIRES section, you can maintain a clean and scalable ETL configuration structure, promoting reusability and modular design.

5. Advanced Usage

  • Error Handling: Define patterns for resolving errors dynamically during execution.

    load_on_err_match_patt: "(?i)table.+does.+not.+exist"
    load_on_err_match_sql: "CREATE TABLE sales_table (id INT, total FLOAT)"
  • Modular Configuration: Break down workflows into reusable components for better maintainability.

6. Embedding in Go

To embed the ETL framework in a Go application:

package main

import (

func main() {
    etl := &etlx.ETLX{}

    // Load configuration from Markdown text
    err := etl.ConfigFromMDText(`# Your Markdown config here`)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error loading config: %v\n", err)

    // Prepare date reference
    dateRef := []time.Time{time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1)}

    // Define additional options
    options := map[string]any{
        "only":  []string{"sales"},
        "steps": []string{"extract", "load"},

    // Run ETL process
    logs, err := etl.RunETL(dateRef, nil, options)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error running ETL: %v\n", err)

    // Print logs
    for _, log := range logs {
        fmt.Printf("Log: %+v\n", log)

7. Future Plans

ETLX is a powerful tool for defining and executing ETL processes using Markdown configuration files. It supports complex SQL queries, exports to multiple formats, and dynamic configuration loading. ETLX can be used as a library, CLI tool, or integrated into other systems for advanced data workflows.

To-Do List

Here is the current progress and planned features for the ETLX project:


  • Config Parsing:

    • Parses and validates Markdown configurations with nested sections and metadata.
    • Supports YAML, TOML, and JSON for metadata.
  • ETL Execution:

    • Modular handling of extract, transform, and load processes.
    • Flexible step configuration with before and after SQL.
  • Query Documentation:

    • Handles complex SQL queries by breaking them into logical components.
    • Dynamically combines query parts to create executable SQL.
  • Exports:

    • Supports exporting data to files in formats like CSV and Excel.
    • Includes options for templates and data mapping.
  • Requires:

    • Loads additional configurations dynamically from files or database queries.
    • Integrates loaded configurations into the main process.
  • CLI Interface:

    • Provides a command-line interface for running configurations.
    • Accepts flags for custom execution parameters.

🕒 To-Do

  • Web API:

    • Create a RESTful web API for executing ETL configurations.
    • Expose endpoints for:
      • Uploading and managing configurations.
      • Triggering ETL workflows.
      • Monitoring job status and logs.
    • Add support for multi-user environments with authentication and authorization.

8. License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.


This project is an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Framework powered by DuckDB, designed to seamlessly integrate and process data from diverse sources. It leverages Markdown as a configuration medium, where YAML blocks define metadata for each data source, and embedded SQL blocks specify the extraction, transformation, and loading logic.








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