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💨 ・ fast-hook ・ 💨

The package is a module that makes it easy to work with webhooks (discord.js). With fast-hook, you can enter only the required variables and the webhook will be sent quickly.

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$ npm install --save fast-hook


import fhook from 'fast-hook';

// or

const fhook = require("fast-hook");

fhook.send(trigger, options = {});

Check the documentation table to understand what the trigger and options are.

Example with normal message

normal message

import fhook from 'fast-hook';

await fhook.send(trigger, {
    username: "Settings",
    webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
    icon: "",

    content: "Current settings... <:boosting_9:1272525921747734538>",

Rest of examples:

Click to show content

📌・Message with embed

Using discord.js embed builder
import Discord from 'discord.js';

const verificationEmbed = new Discord.EmbedBuilder()
    .setTitle("Verification code")
    .setDescription("Please type this code to this <#1296927000836968571> channel!")

await fhook.send(trigger, {
    username: "Verification",
    webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
    icon: "",

    content: "Please, verify yourself",
    embeds: [verificationEmbed]


await fhook.send(triggee, {
    username: "Verification",
    webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
    icon: "",

    content: "Please, verify yourself",
    embeds: [
            title: "Verification code",
            description: "Please type this code to this <#1296927000836968571> channel!",
            image: {
                url: "",
            color: 0x6f7174,
            timestamp: new Date().toISOString()

🔗・Message with files

Using discord.js attachment builder
import Discord from 'discord.js';

const imageFile = new Discord.AttachmentBuilder()
    .setDescription("Simple image")

await fhook.send(trigger, {
    username: "Files bot",
    webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
    icon: "",

    content: "Check this file!",
    files: [imageFile]


await fhook.send(trigger, {
    username: "Files bot",
    webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
    icon: "",

    content: "Check this file!",
    files: [{
        attachment: "",
        name: "Image.png",
        description: "Simple image"

✅・Message with components

Using discord.js components builder
import Discord from 'discord.js';

const Button = new Discord.ButtonBuilder()

const ButtonRow = new Discord.ActionRowBuilder()

await fhook.send(trigger, {
    username: "Simple button",
    webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
    icon: "",

    content: "Hmmmm if you boring, click button",
    components: [


import Discord from 'discord.js';

await fhook.send(trigger, {
    username: "Simple button",
    webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
    icon: "",

    content: "Hmmmm if you boring, click button",
    components: [{
        type: Discord.ComponentType.ActionRow,
        components: [{
            type: Discord.ComponentType.Button,
            label: 'Button',
            custom_id: 'CustomButton',
            style: Discord.ButtonStyle.Secondary

🔇・Message with silent mode

await fhook.send(trigger, {
    username: "Who are there?",
    webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
    icon: "",

    content: "Shhhhhhhh this is silent message",
    silent: true,

📧・Message with mentions
Enabled mentions

await fhook.send(trigger, {
    username: "Activity bot",
    webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
    icon: "",

    content: "<@586132986756333568> Are you here?",
    mentions: true,
Disabled mentions

await fhook.send(trigger, {
    username: "Activity bot",
    webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
    icon: "",

    content: "<@586132986756333568> Are you here?",
    mentions: false,

📝・Message with poll

import Discord from 'discord.js';

await fhook.send(trigger, {
    username: "Polls man",
    webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
    icon: "",

    poll: {
        allowMultiple: true,
        question: {
            text: "What would you want to choose?"
        layoutType: Discord.PollLayoutType.Default,
        answers: [
                emoji: "❌",
                text: "First answer"
                emoji: "❤️",
                text: "Second answer"
        duration: 30

🤙・Message with everything showed above

Contains everything except surveys because a survey can be sent without any other components

import Discord from 'discord.js';

await fhook.send(trigger, {
    username: "All utility",
    webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
    icon: "",

    content: "Look at this <@586132986756333568>",
    silent: true,
    mentions: true,
    embeds: [
            title: "Verification code",
            description: "Please type this code to this <#1296927000836968571> channel!",
            image: {
                url: "",
            color: 0x6f7174,
            timestamp: new Date().toISOString()
    files: [{
        attachment: "",
        name: "Image.png",
        description: "Simple image"
    components: [{
        type: Discord.ComponentType.ActionRow,
        components: [{
            type: Discord.ComponentType.Button,
            label: 'Button',
            custom_id: 'CustomButton',
            style: Discord.ButtonStyle.Secondary

Documentation table

Parameter Type Optional Default Description
trigger textChannel or Webhook URL false none The trigger is a guild channel object or webhook url. If you specify a channel, the package searches for a webhook created by the bot on that channel and uses it (if it doesn't have one, it creates one). If you specify a webhook url, the package will search for it and, if it can, send a message there.
options Object{} false Presented below Object with options for webhook
options.webhookName String true Client username Webhook name in channel interactions tab
options.reason String true Fast-hook for bot Reason to guild audit logs for creating webhook
options.username String false No user provided Webhook app username
options.icon String true Client iconURL Webhook app avatar
options.mentions Boolean true false If false webhook will don't ping anyone
options.silent Boolean true false If true webhook will sent in silent mode
options.content String false No content provided The message of the webhook
options.embeds Object[] true none Object with embeds
options.files Object[] true none Object with files (attachments)
options.components Object[] true none Object with components
options.poll Object{} true none Object with poll

© 2018-2024 Created by @realdarek


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