The package is a module that makes it easy to work with webhooks (discord.js). With fast-hook, you can enter only the required variables and the webhook will be sent quickly.
Next update: soon
$ npm install --save fast-hook
import fhook from 'fast-hook';
// or
const fhook = require("fast-hook");
fhook.send(trigger, options = {});
Check the documentation table to understand what the trigger
and options
import fhook from 'fast-hook';
await fhook.send(trigger, {
username: "Settings",
webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
icon: "",
content: "Current settings... <:boosting_9:1272525921747734538>",
Click to show content
📌・Message with embed
Using discord.js embed builder
import Discord from 'discord.js';
const verificationEmbed = new Discord.EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle("Verification code")
.setDescription("Please type this code to this <#1296927000836968571> channel!")
await fhook.send(trigger, {
username: "Verification",
webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
icon: "",
content: "Please, verify yourself",
embeds: [verificationEmbed]
await fhook.send(triggee, {
username: "Verification",
webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
icon: "",
content: "Please, verify yourself",
embeds: [
title: "Verification code",
description: "Please type this code to this <#1296927000836968571> channel!",
image: {
url: "",
color: 0x6f7174,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString()
🔗・Message with files
Using discord.js attachment builder
import Discord from 'discord.js';
const imageFile = new Discord.AttachmentBuilder()
.setDescription("Simple image")
await fhook.send(trigger, {
username: "Files bot",
webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
icon: "",
content: "Check this file!",
files: [imageFile]
await fhook.send(trigger, {
username: "Files bot",
webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
icon: "",
content: "Check this file!",
files: [{
attachment: "",
name: "Image.png",
description: "Simple image"
✅・Message with components
Using discord.js components builder
import Discord from 'discord.js';
const Button = new Discord.ButtonBuilder()
const ButtonRow = new Discord.ActionRowBuilder()
await fhook.send(trigger, {
username: "Simple button",
webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
icon: "",
content: "Hmmmm if you boring, click button",
components: [
import Discord from 'discord.js';
await fhook.send(trigger, {
username: "Simple button",
webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
icon: "",
content: "Hmmmm if you boring, click button",
components: [{
type: Discord.ComponentType.ActionRow,
components: [{
type: Discord.ComponentType.Button,
label: 'Button',
custom_id: 'CustomButton',
style: Discord.ButtonStyle.Secondary
🔇・Message with silent mode
await fhook.send(trigger, {
username: "Who are there?",
webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
icon: "",
content: "Shhhhhhhh this is silent message",
silent: true,
📧・Message with mentions
Enabled mentions
await fhook.send(trigger, {
username: "Activity bot",
webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
icon: "",
content: "<@586132986756333568> Are you here?",
mentions: true,
📝・Message with poll
import Discord from 'discord.js';
await fhook.send(trigger, {
username: "Polls man",
webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
icon: "",
poll: {
allowMultiple: true,
question: {
text: "What would you want to choose?"
layoutType: Discord.PollLayoutType.Default,
answers: [
emoji: "❌",
text: "First answer"
emoji: "❤️",
text: "Second answer"
duration: 30
🤙・Message with everything showed above
Contains everything except surveys because a survey can be sent without any other components
import Discord from 'discord.js';
await fhook.send(trigger, {
username: "All utility",
webhookName: "my best bot webhook",
icon: "",
content: "Look at this <@586132986756333568>",
silent: true,
mentions: true,
embeds: [
title: "Verification code",
description: "Please type this code to this <#1296927000836968571> channel!",
image: {
url: "",
color: 0x6f7174,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString()
files: [{
attachment: "",
name: "Image.png",
description: "Simple image"
components: [{
type: Discord.ComponentType.ActionRow,
components: [{
type: Discord.ComponentType.Button,
label: 'Button',
custom_id: 'CustomButton',
style: Discord.ButtonStyle.Secondary
Parameter | Type | Optional | Default | Description |
trigger | textChannel or Webhook URL |
false | none | The trigger is a guild channel object or webhook url. If you specify a channel, the package searches for a webhook created by the bot on that channel and uses it (if it doesn't have one, it creates one). If you specify a webhook url, the package will search for it and, if it can, send a message there. |
options | Object{} |
false | Presented below | Object with options for webhook |
options.webhookName | String |
true | Client username | Webhook name in channel interactions tab |
options.reason | String |
true | Fast-hook for bot | Reason to guild audit logs for creating webhook |
options.username | String |
false | No user provided | Webhook app username |
options.icon | String |
true | Client iconURL | Webhook app avatar |
options.mentions | Boolean |
true | false | If false webhook will don't ping anyone |
options.silent | Boolean |
true | false | If true webhook will sent in silent mode |
options.content | String |
false | No content provided | The message of the webhook |
options.embeds | Object[] |
true | none | Object with embeds |
options.files | Object[] |
true | none | Object with files (attachments) |
options.components | Object[] |
true | none | Object with components |
options.poll | Object{} |
true | none | Object with poll |
© 2018-2024 Created by @realdarek