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Complementary Tools
元彦 edited this page Mar 12, 2015
39 revisions
React is a small library that does one thing well. Here's a list of tools we've found that work really well with React when building applications.
If you want your project on this list, or think one of these projects should be removed, feel free to edit this page.
- React Developer Tools: a Chrome extension that allows you to inspect the React component hierarchy in the Chrome Developer Tools.
- Pretty Diff: a beautifier that supports JSX and can auto-detect it apart from JavaScript. It provides some minimal level of scope analysis by generating a colorful HTML result to identify variables against the scope where they are declared.
- Many editors already include reasonable support for JSX (Vim, Emacs js2-mode).
- sublime-react: Snippets and syntax highlighting for React.js / JSX
- babel: Snippets, syntax highlighting and optimized color schemes for Sublime Text
- javascript-react.tmbundle Syntax and build on save for Textmate
- web-mode.el: An autonomous emacs major mode that indents and highlights JSX
- Atom React.js Support
- vim-jsx: Syntax highlighting and indenting for JSX
- JetBRAINS WebStorm: Syntax highlighting, code completion, error detection for JSX
- react-jsx: Compile and use JSX as stand alone templates that can run server-side and client side!
- coffee-react: Write JSX code within Coffeescript!
- jsxhint: JSHint (linting) support. (JSX compilation doesn't affect line numbers so lint can also be run directly on the compiled JS.)
- reactify: Browserify transform.
- Babel: Standalone & Browserify transform (formerly known as 6to5).
- node-jsx: Native Node support.
- react-hot-loader: Loader for webpack that lets you edit JSX and have changes appear immediately in the browser without reloading the page.
- jsx-loader: Loader for webpack.
- express-jsxtransform: Middleware for Express.
- gradle-react-plugin: Transform jsx sources during a gradle build.
- grunt-react: GruntJS task.
- gulp-react: GulpJS plugin.
- brunch-react: Brunch plugin.
- jsx-requirejs-plugin: RequireJS plugin.
- react-meteor: Meteor plugin.
- pyReact: Python bridge to JSX.
- react-rails: Ruby gem for using JSX with Ruby on Rails.
- ReactJS.NET: .NET library for React and JSX.
- sbt-reactjs SBT/Play/Scala JSX compiler plugin
- mimosa-react: Mimosa plugin.
- jsx-typescript: A TypeScript fork with jsx support.
- react-grails-asset-pipeline: Assets for react and precompilation of jsx files in Grails.
- essential-react: A minimal skeleton for building testable React apps using ES6
- react-flux-coffeescript-browserify-gulp-demo: React, Flux, Coffeescript, Browserify, Watchify, Gulp
- React-Phonegap App: Phonegap App built with react using Flux.
- Kriasoft React Starter Kit: Gulp, Webpack, BrowserSync + React Starter Kit for Visual Studio
- react-express-template: Web app starter template with React, React Router, ES6 (via Babel), CoffeeScript, Express/Node.js, Semantic-UI, Gulp, LiveReload, and more
- generator-react-webpack: Yeoman generator for React and Webpack.
- generator-react-express: Yeoman generator for React and Express with browserify, react-router and bootstrap.
- generator-react-component: Yeoman generator React Component projects with Gulp, Browserify, Live Reload and publishing to GitHub Pages.
- Genesis Skeleton: Modern, opinionated, full-stack starter kit for rapid, streamlined application development (supports React).
- react-starter-template: Starter template with Gulp, Webpack and Bootstrap.
- react-brunch: Brunch plugin.
- react-browserify-template: Quick-start with Browserify.
- react-seed: Starter template with Browserify, Gulp.
- react-router-bootstrap-seed: Starter template with react-router, react-bootstrap and react-bootstrap-router (build with Gulp).
- React Phonegap Starter: Gulp, NPM, Browserify, React, Phonegap, Less, Recess, Underscore, JQuery...
- Este.js: ES6 React Flux webpack gulp om-like isomorphic immutable k̶i̶t̶c̶h̶e̶n̶s̶i̶n̶k̶ t̶w̶e̶e̶t̶y̶b̶i̶r̶d̶s̶ TodoMVC example.
- generator-react-gulp-browserify Yeoman generator for React, Gulp, Browserify and Twitter Bootstrap Sass official.
- generator-react-boilerplate Yeoman generator for React, Gulp, Browserify, Bootstrap and Fluxxor.
- react-starterify: React JS application skeleton using Browserify and other awesome tools
- fluxury: A React/Flux starter kit with NPM (build tool), Browserify, ImmutableJS, JSXHint and React-Router completely written in ES6 (Babelify transform).
- react-app-boilerplate: Browserify workflow with automatic JSX transformation, dependency handling for fast builds and jasmine test environment.
- nuts: A fully-featured starter kit that uses webpack, react, flux, backbone, mongo, and kue. Includes server-side and client-side rendering.
- generator-rc: A scaffold to develop react component quickly.
- MimosaReactBackbone: A TodoMVC React/Backbone app w/ Mimosa for tooling.
- react-boilerplate: It is a basic React project boilerplate, it uses JSX, React Router, Browserify, Reactify (ES6) and SASS.
- koa-react-full-example Boilerplate of a Koa React integration. Also shows a way to integrate koa-passport, react-router and react-bootstrap and a few other common modules. Includes an authentication flow.
- generator-simple-react-browserify Really simple React + Browserify app generator for yeoman. Start here if you're trying to actually learn something.
- director: (For an example see TodoMVC).
- Backbone: (For an example see github-issues-viewer).
- react-router
- Aviator (Example).
- Finch
- flux-router-component React components and mixins for router related features that work for applications with Flux architecture
- react-mini-router A minimal URL router mixin.
- YARR ‘Yet Another React Router’ - a minimal router for react (~1200 bytes) with an express.js like API - forked from page.js
- react-router-component Declarative routing.
- react.backbone: A suite of Backbone-related mixins for ReactJS to provide seamless integration.
- backbone-react-component: Use multiple Backbone models and collections with React components both on the client and server sides.
- cortex: A JavaScript library for centrally managing data with React.
- ReactFlux: A library for implementing Flux data flow + Code Generation.
- avers: A modern client-side model abstraction library.
- astarisx: Highly Composable MVVM Framework for React with built-in pushState router.
- Fluxxor: Fluxxor is a set of tools to facilitate building JavaScript data layers using the Flux architecture by reifying many of the core Flux concepts.
- Ancient Oak: Immutable data structures library in plain JavaScript.
- mori: Immutable data structures from Clojure ported to JavaScript.
- Immutable: Immutable data structures designed to be more JavaScript-y than Mori
- Morearty.js: Features similar to Om but for plain ol' Javascript. Built on Immutable.
- FFlux: Flux-based architecture library with immutable data support
- Reflux: An event-based implementation of the Flux architecture that integrates with React components.
- Marty: A JavaScript library for state management in React applications (Implementing Flux)
- DeLorean: A completely agnostic JavaScript framework to apply Flux concepts into your interfaces easily.
- McFly: A lightweight Flux library that adds factories for Stores & Actions.
- Fluxy: An implementation of Facebook's Flux architecture.
- superagent: A lightweight "isomorphic" library for AJAX requests.
- reqwest: AJAX all over again. Includes support for xmlHttpRequest, JSONP, CORS, and CommonJS Promises A. Browser support stretches back to IE6.
- react-ajax: Ajax Request Component for React.
- Khan Academy's component library
- react-bootstrap: Bootstrap 3 components built with React.
- Topcoat UI Components: Topcoat UI Components built with react.
- react-foundation-apps: Foundation Apps components built with React
- orb: React pivot grid.
- react-topcoat: Topcoat components built with React.
- react-slick: Carousel component built with React
- react-lorem-component: Lorem Ipsum placeholder component.
- wingspan-forms: React library for dynamic forms & grids; widgets provided by KendoUI.
- react-translate-component: React component for i18n.
newforms: Form-handling library which renders to
components on the client and the server. - react-highlight: React component for syntax highlighting
- react-responsive-mixin: Mixin to develop responsive react components
- react-chosen: React wrapper for Chosen jQuery.
- react-select: Native React Select / Multiselect input field, similar to Selectize / Chosen / Select2
- react-ladda: React wrapper for Ladda buttons.
- react-scroll-components: A set of components and mixins that react to page scrolling.
- react-forms: Form rendering and validation for React
- tcomb-form: Automatically generate form markup, automatic labels and inline validation from a domain model
- react-treeview: Easy, light, flexible tree view.
- react-multiselect: Filter and select from a list of items.
- react-date-picker: A simple and reusable datepicker component for React.
react-textarea-autosize: Like
<textarea />
but resizes automatically to fit all its content. -
react-growable-textarea: Resizes
<textarea />
to fit all its content using a css shim (no javascript calculations). -
react-input-autosize: Like
<input />
but resizes automatically to fit all its content. - React-TimeAgo A minimal live updating Time Ago component that smartly converts any time to a ‘ago’ or ‘from now’ format and keeps it updated.
- react-maps Embed Google Maps. Supports markers, polylines and programmatic mutation.
- material-ui A set of React Components that implement Google's Material Design.
- react-tappable A Tappable React Component that provides native-feeling onTap events for mobile React apps
- react-contentEditable Example component for contentEditable elements
- react-dnd Flexible HTML5 drag-and-drop mixin for React with full DOM control
- react-document-title Declarative, nested, stateful, isomorphic document.title for React
react-image: Like
<img />
and Enhanced Image Component for React. - react-mq: Easy Media Query Helper for React.
- react-timesheet: Visualize your data and events with sexy time sheet component.
- react-bacon: provides a mixin for using Bacon.js with React components.
- react-mixin-manager: A manager for named mixins which allows for defined dependencies (and auto-inclusion of those dependencies), overrideable mixins (3rd party mixins can expose core functionality to be overrideable), and mixin groupings (use a single name to represent a set of mixins)
- react-events: A mixin which gives component for managed declaritive event bindings (similar to Backbone Views). It has default support for window, refs and DOM.
- dispatchr: A Flux dispatcher for applications that run on the server and the client.
- HTML2React: A tool that helps reusing HTML code and migrating projects to React by compiling pure HTML to Coffeescript React code like this.
- React-Prefixr: A simple utility for handling vendor prefixes in React. It's a simple function that takes and object of styles and returns a properly prefixed version. `npm install react-prefixr
- react-unmount-listener-mixin: React mixin for listenable componentWillUnmount
- shivie8: Minimal HTML5 element shiv for IE8. Enables safe use of the new semantic HTML5 elements in React, without the unnecessary overhead associated with html5shiv.
- jreact: Rendering react server-side within a JVM (Java 7 or Java 8)
- React Component Library: A community maintained list of React Components to help other developers find pre-built components.
- ReactDebugMixin: Debug mixin, for creating a nested visual representation of your components in your developer console.
- react-htmlparser2: Parse an HTML string to a React renderable component.
- rx-react: Provides mixins and helpers for using RxJS with React components.
- JSnoX: A concise, expressive way to build React DOM in pure JavaScript.
- react-component: A collection of react components maintained by Alibaba/Alipay employee
- react-canvas: High performance rendering for React components by Flipboard
- react-signals: Signals Component for React.
- react-storage: Local Storage Component for React.
- react-styl: Keep your component CSS and JS in the same file
- react-style: Maintainable styling for React.js components
- react-zeroclipboard-mixin: React mixin for automatic binding of the ZeroClipboard client to the clipboard action DOM elements
- react-stylist: Easy styling with React components.