- SCSS preprocessor
- To enable CSS modules (each component has it's own styles "no conflict between different components styles") => just open (webpack.prod.js && webpack.dev.js) and uncomment modules: true. Then in every component add the required import as follow: import classes from './scss/requiredStyles'
- Autoprefixer for CSS (it supports IE >= 11)
- Hot reloading for JS (Note: if you add anything in the constructor or componentDidMount you need to refresh the page because hot loader will not pick it up) & CSS and redux store (in development)
- Prettier (for code format)
- React router dom
- Redux & Redux devTool
- Prop types
This build relies on Prettier formatter to enforce a code style. You can find steps on how to setup prettier formatter with WebStorm/PhpStorm here. Please refer to other tutorials if you are using a different IDE.
- It's better to use the local
version of prettier instead of a global one. This is to avoid version conflicts (in case the globally installed version does not match with the versions specified inpackage.json
). So when setting up the file watcher when you follow the steps from the above link you can setprogram
(warning this assumes that node_modules sits in the root of your project. This will need to change if your directory structure changes). - You will have to create two file watchers. One for JSX files and one for JS files. The webpack build tools are already configured to work with
. The only thing needed is the two file watchers.
- This app includes facebook, twitter and regular meta tags
- Open constants.js file and update metaInfo object
- Open src/assets/images and replace (favicon.png, metaImage.jpg) with your images but using the same name
- Private route guard
- Font awesome
- Layout using bootstrap grid system (scss/generic/_grid.scss)
- Basic mixins (scss/generic/_mixins.scss)
- Normalize styles (scss/generic/_normalize.scss)
- App typography styles (scss/generic/_typography.scss)
- 4 break points (scss/generic/_variables.scss)
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
It will open http://localhost:3000 automatically in the browser to see your app.
All changes will be injected automatically without reloading the page.
You will see in the console the following:
- All redux store related changes
- Any of the following errors:
- Linting errors.
- Code format errors (because of prettier)
Builds the app for production to the dist
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
Note: live-server is part of package.json which you can use to check your application in production by navigating to dist directory then use the following command:
live-server --port=8080 --entry-file=./index.html
By using live-server you can check your app in production without any need for xampp, wamp or any similar web server.
It allows you to analyze the bundle size.