每天一条有用的 Python 小提示
写了一段时间之后发现越来越难控制在关于某一条语法点的小技巧,而更像是关于某一『话题』的讨论,例如某一语法特性或某几个标准库的应用。我会继续按照这种惯性写下去,也不打算更名为『PyTopics』。内容和风格不会有刻意的转变,只是在这里说明一下。 😐
主要基于 Python 3.5 并尽量做到向后兼容(至Python 2.7)。
文档已托管在 Read the Docs: Tips.PyHub.cc。
- 0x1a - Floating Point Arithmetic [markdown]
- 0x19 - Class and Metaclass ii [markdown]
- 0x18 - Class and Metaclass i [markdown]
- 0x17 - Enum [markdown]
- 0x16 - Iterator Tools [markdown]
- 0x15 - Module future [markdown]
- 0x14 - Descriptor [markdown]
- 0x13 - Thread vs Coroutine ii [markdown]
- 0x12 - Thread vs Coroutine i [markdown]
- 0x11 - Date and Time [markdown]
- 0x10 - Heap and Queue [markdown]
- 0x0f - Decorator and functools [markdown]
- 0x0e - Sort and Sorted [markdown]
- 0x0d - With Context Manager [markdown]
- 0x0c - Shallow and Deep Copy [markdown]
- 0x0b - Try else [markdown]
- 0x0a - String Format [markdown]
- 0x09 - Bytes decode Unicode encode Bytes [markdown]
- 0x08 - Bytes and Bytearray [markdown]
- 0x07 - Unicode String [markdown]
- 0x06 - Command Line tools in Python [markdown]
- 0x05 - Arguments and Unpacking [markdown]
- 0x04 - Scope and Closure [markdown]
- 0x03 - List Comprehension [markdown]
- 0x02 - Functional Programming in Python [markdown]
- 0x01 - Iterator and Generator [markdown]
- 0x00 - The Zen of Python [markdown]
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