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CodeClimate CircleCI Coverage

Code Climate Gem Gem

CircleCI provides a great CI environment, and allows your test suite to be run in multiple containers in parallel.

CodeClimate provides great metrics about the health of your codebase.

Unfortunately, CodeClimate only supports a single payload of coverage data and thus cannot be integrated with CircleCI parallel-test execution without some additional work.

This gem does that "additional work" by performing the following:

  • After all of the CI nodes are complete, it gathers the SimpleCov file from each node of CI onto the first node.
  • It then uses SimpleCov to merge the results together into a single result file
  • It then provides that file to codeclimate-test-reporter as a single payload


Adding the Gem to your system

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'codeclimate_circle_ci_coverage', group: 'test'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install codeclimate_circle_ci_coverage

Collecting Metrics during your CircleCI Test Run

Add add the following to the top of your spec_helper.rb:

# run coverage when on CI
if ENV['CI']
  require 'simplecov'
  SimpleCov.start 'rails' do
    add_filter '/spec/'

Invoking the Gem after your CircleCI Test Run

Circle CI 1.0

Add the following to your circle.yml:

    - bundle exec report_coverage

Circle CI 2.0

In order to pass the test results from each node, on Circle CI 2.0, more steps must be done:

  1. Create a Circle CI API Key
  • From the Project Settings -> API Permissions
  • "Create Token", scope: 'view-builds' ("Build Artifacts")
  • Set an "Environment Variable" with "CIRCLE_TOKEN" with this token.
  1. Make each node upload the coverage file to artifacts for use.
  • Add to .circleci/config.yml the following
- store_artifacts:
    path: coverage/.resultset.json
    prefix: coverage # must be called coverage to be picked up by the report_coverage script

The coverage_reporter.rb will use the Circle CI API in order to download the .resultset.json from node to combine them.

Add the following to your config.yml

We use a deploy stage so that it is only run once all of the (possibly parallel) executors have run.

- deploy:
    name: Merge and copy coverage data
    command: bundle exec report_coverage

CircleCI Configuration

In order for CircleCI to send coverage information to CodeClimate, it must have your CodeClimate access token.

  1. Find your CODECLIMATE_REPO_TOKEN by going to your project in CodeClimate. Then look under: "Settings" -> "Test Coverage" -> "Ruby"
  2. In CircleCI, go to your Project Settings, click on "Environment Variables", and then "Add Variable". Enter CODECLIMATE_REPO_TOKEN as the name, and enter the value you found in the previous step.


CircleCI will now aggregate together all of your individual coverage metrics into a single file, and then upload that file to CodeClimate.

Once your test suite has been run on the configured branch (master by default), there will be a "Test Coverage" link appear in your CodeClimate feed, as well as on the Sidebar.

Note CodeClimate will only report coverage metrics on the configured branch. Thus, running this on a feature branch will not cause coverage numbers to be reported. This is a limitation of the Code Climate Coverage reporting.

Running Coverage Locally

If you want to run specs locally and see the coverage, you can do so by setting the CI environment variable before executing your tests.

For example, if you are running rspec:

CI=true bundle exec rspec spec


If your default branch is not master, you'll have to tell report_coverage the the branch name. Coverage will be reported whenever specs are run for this branch. (by default, the branch is master)

bundle exec report_coverage --branch develop

Known Issues

There is a bug in SimpleCov which prevents results from merging cleanly. A patch has been applied to this codebase to resolve this, but new versions of SimpleCov may cause the patch to break. Currently known to work with SimpleCov version 0.11.2.

Similar Projects


CodeClimate CircelCI Coverage was written by Robin Dunlop, based extensively on:


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


CodeClimate Code Coverage reporting script for CircleCI







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